Another girl help thread.

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Arr! Avast!
If everyone else makes a thread, why can't I?

So my fellow Pokebeacher's, of which I bet none of you has actually had a relationship and live in their parent's basement (*cough* PMJ *cough*), or you are 8 years old (The Pokebeach Age Median), I come to you for advice.

Now let's just say, that, HYPOTHETICALLY, there is a girl that I like. Just to add to the drama, let's say she lives on the other side of the world. Let's also say I like her for her "personality" and that she is a great person on the inside. Not really a Sarah Michelle Gellar on the outside though.

Now, the hypothetical problem. There is this girl at my school that I like. In fact, she is a total *****. I only like her cause of her body.

Now my Pokebeacher's. Many a thread has been made about issues such as these. And in fact, I can already imagine the awnsers I am to get from this thread. But I would just like to point out that this thread is COMPLETELY hypothetical. And in truth. I currently go to an all boys school. So there can't really be a girl at my school. Bwaha.
Krucifier said:
I currently go to an all boys school.
Yes, suicide is the only option.

The fact that you probably won't ever get to the other side of the world makes this pretty easy, unless you really want to waste your money on some far-away girl. And for all you know she might as well break up with you, and you'll end up alone in hypothetical China, no hypothetical friends, no hypothetical money, no hypothetical nothing.
Choke on a cactus and die.
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