Ruling Alakazam Ex


THE Aspiring Trainer ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So recently on tcg one I played a guy playing Alakazam, and when he put his Alakazam's on his bench, kinesis activated. Is this the ruling?
Please post pictures of the cards in question so we can give you an accurate answer and leave something here for other people to learn from :)
Kinesis should only activate when Alakazam-EX evolves into M Alakazam-EX. If Kinesis activated when Alakazam-EX was Benched, instead of before it evolves into M Alakazam-Ex, it is a glitch. Both TCGOne and PTCGO have glitches from time to time, which should be addressed in a future update. If you haven't already, you can use the "Report Issue" button in a game window to send a message about it to TCGOne's administrator. Hopefully it will be fixed soon!