(4) BW Collection Cards, More Sugimori Artwork, Starter English Names on Monday, Cities Items [11/19

Same with Unseen Psycho Poke-Fan. It is currently 2:50 in the Central Time Zone. (I've been waiting for 7.5 hours now -_-)
its 4:10 where i am! i'm leaving at 6:00 so thats my last chance! does anyone think they will be updated by 5:00 o'clock eastern standard time?
I hope it happens soon. The Nintendo HQ in the US is located in Washington though, so there, it's only 1:16 PM.... I'm eastern time, so it's 4:16 PM.
When Well they say!?

Its like 3:22 PM! WHEN?!
It certainly better happen soon. I'll be so angry if they blow us off, even though I doubt they would do such a thing.
*bangs head violently against computer* They were supposed to reveal the names A LOT OF HOURS AGO!!!And still nothing....Its already freaking 3:30 PM here where I live!I hope they reveal the names at least at 4 o clock or 5 o clock here.....OR I WILL KILL MYSELF(literally)! D:<
Maybe they forgot its today, or they just don't like us. can we still guess on there names?
Oh! now I got it! It must have raned so hared that they lost power! its can happen, right?
Naaaahhh,I doubt they forgot it.Maybe they are wating until its time to leave school on Washington to reveal them?Well,that could be,but im not really sure... :°
No way!Of course they would not forget it!They are probably uploading it now.Because well,it could take forever to upload all of the names and pics. anyways.
NOU THEY COULDNT.They never forget something they are about to reveal...Or have they forgot something before?

EDIT:Forgot to go to work?Nobody forgets that....Except when people are drunk lol
Maybe they're all taking a break for Thanksgiving. UGH I waited the whole day in school for this, and it's not there!
No,uploading alot of items onto a very large website can take forever anyways.[I am off school sick today and i got nothing very good at all!Arrrgg]3:42 right now.