(1) Pokemon ‘X’ and ‘Y’ Website Updates with English Localizations, Game Screenshots [5/14]

frezgle said:
Ex-91 said:
Also, did anyone noticed that Chespin, Fennekin and Froakie all know a Type attack at Level 5?? Vine Whip, Ember and bubble.
That means that we would now start the game with a stab move!

Its demo footage though - they probably did that just to showcase some moves they can learn at some point. As developers, they could temporarily slap Judgment on all three and show that off if they really wanted. I don't think we'll have to worry about horribly disadvantageous first rival battles.

Unless they really DO start with a STAB attack, and your rival actually peaks the one that's weak against what you have? Seems a bit too easy.

Or, perhaps, you are meant to lose the first battle as part of the story's beginning, and the game is programmed to always give your rival crits until you lose? If that were to be true I'd speculate we're getting another antagonist rival like in G/S/C, which would be great because Bianca and Cheren were annoyingly nice... Even Hugh was a bit too friendly to be a rival!
In-game Pokedex!


Ryan Sinclair said:
Or, perhaps, you are meant to lose the first battle as part of the story's beginning, and the game is programmed to always give your rival crits until you lose? If that were to be true I'd speculate we're getting another antagonist rival like in G/S/C, which would be great because Bianca and Cheren were annoyingly nice... Even Hugh was a bit too friendly to be a rival!

A pre-programmed first loss would actually be kind of cool, now that you mention it. It would set the tone for your relationship between you and your rival - that is, they're your rival. They one-upped you from the start, and you always have to keep trying to get the best of them.
I've found myself just being "meh" at many of the series' rivals, simply because they didn't give me a reason to want to fight them. Blue was good because he was ALWAYS one step ahead of you, and Silver was good because he was a jerk. The rest, though... Just kinda felt like yet another trainer. Though Hugh's battle theme is one of the best I've ever heard.
Zorilas said:
Rusty Sticks said:
In-game Pokedex!



Where did you get to see those pictures from?


At the end of these images was an 8 instead of a 9/10. No, there is no 11 =P
Mitja said:
I've been speculating that there probably will not be a new early rodent this gen (Ratatta, Sentret, Zigzagoon, Bidoof, Patrat), because its the only "early role" that hasn't been left out yet.

Patrat AND NOW EVEN ZIGZAGOON being available in the region pretty much confirms this lol.

Zigzagoon? RS Remake Hoenn Confirmed.
Ryan Sinclair said:
frezgle said:
Its demo footage though - they probably did that just to showcase some moves they can learn at some point. As developers, they could temporarily slap Judgment on all three and show that off if they really wanted. I don't think we'll have to worry about horribly disadvantageous first rival battles.

Unless they really DO start with a STAB attack, and your rival actually peaks the one that's weak against what you have? Seems a bit too easy.

Or, perhaps, you are meant to lose the first battle as part of the story's beginning, and the game is programmed to always give your rival crits until you lose? If that were to be true I'd speculate we're getting another antagonist rival like in G/S/C, which would be great because Bianca and Cheren were annoyingly nice... Even Hugh was a bit too friendly to be a rival!

this would make nuzlocke runs of X/Y impossible, unless the rules were changed to not count scripted losses

back on topic, hopefully we'll be able to obtain costumes that let our trainers dress like previous protags and or rivals.
Rusty Sticks said:
Zorilas said:
Where did you get to see those pictures from?


At the end of these images was an 8 instead of a 9/10. No, there is no 11 =P

thanks for teaching me this Technic :p
i got some pics ;P
I don't know if anyone noticed this or mentioned it before, but if you look at the Box Arts they say Pokemon X/Y and not Pokemon X/Y Version??

Does this mean anything or is it just random. Love the confirmation! It seems that pokémon if finally getting a major redesign. All for the better.

The new region looks pretty sweet with lots of wide open areas. It will take some getting used to the new design though...
Everything looks even more promising in English! :p

Kidding aside, I'm just as excited as ever. The insider info being true is a good sign. I'm not too fond of the Fairy type, but I'll probably get used to it. Gogoat might just be my favorite revealed Pokemon, right ahead of Yveltal and Froakie. I especially like that you can ride Gogoat around. Hopefully this isn't a gimmick Pokemon, so more new (and some older) Pokemon can be ridden too. I hope this also leads to seeing who you're surfing or flying on. Also, I think I saw the player move diagnal. My childhood dream has been completed.

Room customization could be pretty cool, customization is always cool. Speaking of that, does anyone know if the three character customizations shown are just three options, or you can pick seperatley hair color, skin color, ect. I think the ultimate thing would be customizable clothes.
Forgot to mention it, but it seems as if there are different running speeds? Or is that the default "walking" speed?
KVE493 said:
Forgot to mention it, but it seems as if there are different running speeds? Or is that the default "walking" speed?

Looks like the default walking speed. Kind of odd to look at though =P

From what we know, we can walk, run, rollerskate (cool), and GoGoat. The bike will probably return, and we may even get to drive.
No! Fairy Type is Real!


Anyways, all of the other stuff will be pretty cool. Aside from the dissapointing choice to keep Gogoat's name(proving he is a practically usless gimmick Pokemon), The Fairy Type, and Mewtwo's (2?) new form(s), X and Y look pretty promising.

Also, WPM, because this guy is legit will you post any more info? I understand if you choose not to. We Pokebeachers will always roll with your desicion.
The most exciting part was when he sat on the bench. I have no idea why I think that's more amazing than it should be.