(1) PokeBeach on Facebook [8/16]

kashmaster said:
I am not gonna join as its possible for my mates to find out I play pokemon= not good :p But great idea lol. I wish facebook was more private lol

same reason I'm why not joining.
Xous said:
Yeah, that's mostly true, at least offline. xD I'm just not as likeable offline as I am online, I guess. *Shrugs*
Aw. You probably just don't put yourself out there as much as you could.

@ Everyone who is afraid of showing Pokemon on your profiles: Babies.
Water Pokémon Master said:
@ Everyone who is afraid of showing Pokemon on your profiles: Babies.


I'm a fan. I like this idea. I don't really like Facebook, but I use it to catch up with people I haven't seen in like ever, so I don't care.

dmaster out.
Seriously though, if I have something Pokemon related on my facebook and I've met people who added me, and they notice I like Pokemon and things like cosplaying, they delete me off their friends list. Their usual response? "I don't want my friends seeing you".

So, obviously blocked after saying "Kay, you're not really a friend then, buh-bye"
Wow, in all seriousness, I think you guys need to re-evaluate your definition of "friend." I can see people not being friends over serious issues like drug addictions or alcoholism, but not for being a fan of Pokemon. -_-
Water Pokémon Master said:
Wow, in all seriousness, I think you guys need to re-evaluate your definition of "friend." I can see people not being friends over serious issues like drug addictions or alcoholism, but not for being a fan of Pokemon. -_-
Aren't Facebook accounts filled with semi-friends and acquaintances anyway? It's the numbers which count, not the amount of friendship.
So yeah, you people are all hollow shells, you fail babies.
Heavenly Spoon :F said:
Aren't Facebook accounts filled with semi-friends and acquaintances anyway? It's the numbers which count, not the amount of friendship.
So yeah, you people are all hollow shells, you fail babies.

I deem this as the new term for those afraid to admit they like Pokemon.
Water Pokémon Master said:
Wow, in all seriousness, I think you guys need to re-evaluate your definition of "friend." I can see people not being friends over serious issues like drug addictions or alcoholism, but not for being a fan of Pokemon. -_-
Well, I'm not really worried about telling my friends, but them telling my 'enemies'. I am already deemed gay to the 'jocks' since I am in choir/band/show choir/etc. And then there are those who just plain hate me. If they find out about me liking Pokemanz, I will just be another punching bag. ;)
Water Pokémon Master said:
@ Everyone who is afraid of showing Pokemon on your profiles: Babies.

Well, I don't even have a facebook, but if I did, I wouldn't put pokemon on my proflie. It's not like I'm ashamed of it, but hey. I'm in middle school, and kids are harsh(WPM, you're in college, so people are a little more mature and won't just torture you for fun just because you liek pokemon. they just might think you're weird and stay away from you, but you'd be better off without them). Not the best time to go on one of the most popular websites at my school and tell everyone I'm a pokemon fanatic. For example, last year I had a youtube account with poke stuff, and I friended and subbed my friends, but then they all made fun of me for my stuff(well, mainly for the concept of actually making pokemon card videos. They still didn't think I was so cool for liking pokemon so much in the first place anyway) They even told some people and made fun of me (thank god nobody I was at least somewhat friends with, but still). Sometimes your friends will actually make fun of you more than not-very-nice people you hardly know. Again, I'm not ashamed of it, but I'd still be a lot better off hiding my love for pokemon then showing the whole world(well, my school anyway) What really makes me annoyed and makes things worse is that I see at my league there are at least 3 people in my grade, but none of us go to the same school, though we live in teh same general area! So in other words, quite a few people my age and in my area are tcg fans, but none go to my school...:(
i would, but none of my friends know that i like pokemon haha
and im not a baby. im just popular (and kids are harsh)
It is true that kids in middle school are class A jerks to each other.

But really you have nothing to be afraid of.
Medaforcer said:
It is true that kids in middle school are class A jerks to each other.

But really you have nothing to be afraid of.
im a sophomore in high school.
haha only a couple people know i like pokemon, and even then, they dont know HOW much i like it.
I'm with bubba235 on the matter. This might be good to attract members, but I don't see to much else it's good for.