(1) 'Evolution Gender Change' Poll [10/17]

Some moron voted for Wurmple over and over one night.
I know that because I had the window open, went away for 10 minutes, got back and the pole was up like %25 or Surmple.
If you ask me, WPM is hacking the pole.
Water Pokémon Master said:
First off, don't post the answer... anywhere.

Secondly, I didn't realize when you have quizzes in schools, you are allowed to consult your textbook.

I believe you're right in saying that we shouldn't check up on a quiz but you can't really stop us from checking things up. This poll is quite interesting, depending how well people know about how heavier legendaries and non-legendaries are (not saying that they are but people if they watch the anime would always here about heavier non-legendary pokemon e.g wailord and snorlax but not a lot about legendaries) in comparison to each other. I know the answer but won't tell.
Um. Does this actually happen? I mean, YES, the gender ratios are different, and based on that I knew which answer you wanted, but it’s not like a Pokémon’s gender is randomly recalculated based on ratio every time one evolves. This would have to be specially written code applying only to Azurill->Marill evolutions. Does that really exist? I am willing to acknowledge that it is possible, since other Pokémon have weird little bits of code that apply only to them( like Wurmple, Spinda, etc.), but I definitely had never heard of this one before. Have you ever had a female Azurill change genders when you evolved it? Assuming for a moment that this does really happen, is it determined when the Egg is created? Or can you save before your Azurill evolves and reset to ensure that she does/doesn’t change gender according to your preference? And where did you hear that this was based on marine life?
Water Pokémon Master said:
First off, don't post the answer... anywhere.

Secondly, I didn't realize when you have quizzes in schools, you are allowed to consult your textbook.
You’ve never heard of an open-book quiz/test? It tests the ability to find, analyze and synthesize information, and shows which students have done the reading assignments, since they know where to find the answers right away.
It's due to the change in ratio that it is possible. There's no random recalculation, it's a 1:3 ratio becoming a 1:2 ratio. That extra bit becomes a toss-up and has the potential to land on either side. I've had an Azurill change it's gender upon evolution, which is why I knew the answer (I still can't believe that after all the discussion as to what causes Wurmple to evolve into either Silcoon or Cascoon, that many people still thought it changed genders).

Also, I'm with you, LaprasBoi. When I was in school, my teachers loved open-book tests. There's absolutely nothing wrong with them.

But WPM is right about posting the answer. In the end, it doesn't really matter, since if anyone wants to find the answer first before posting (which isn't necessarily a bad thing. We've had to wait 10 days to find out the correct answer from him, so why not find out sooner?) can just look it up on another website, so not posting here really won't make all too big a difference. But it's understandable, and I agree with it. It does seem to ruin the fun when it's everyone telling you as opposed to you looking it up and finding out yourself.

This quiz was fairly easy, though to me, most of them are. Maybe WPM's streak is drawing to an end?
LaprasBoi said:
Um. Does this actually happen? I mean, YES, the gender ratios are different, and based on that I knew which answer you wanted, but it’s not like a Pokémon’s gender is randomly recalculated based on ratio every time one evolves. This would have to be specially written code applying only to Azurill->Marill evolutions. Does that really exist? I am willing to acknowledge that it is possible, since other Pokémon have weird little bits of code that apply only to them( like Wurmple, Spinda, etc.), but I definitely had never heard of this one before. Have you ever had a female Azurill change genders when you evolved it? Assuming for a moment that this does really happen, is it determined when the Egg is created? Or can you save before your Azurill evolves and reset to ensure that she does/doesn’t change gender according to your preference? And where did you hear that this was based on marine life?
It's because of how the game determines a Pokemon's gender. How it does so, is it generates a random number between 1 and 256 for it right when you encounter a Pokemon/the egg forms at the Daycare. Where this number falls, with respect to the Pokemon's gender ratio, determines its gender.

For example, a Pokemon has a 50% Female, 50% Male ratio. What would happen in that scenario would be that all numbers from 1-128 would result in Female and 129-256 would result in male (but I might have it reversed). So, if the random number generator ends up with 129, the Pokemon would be male.

That number (the output from the RNG) never changes. However, the ratio can change, as with Azurill and Marill, which can result in a change in the gender.

To explain this, let's say that 50-50 ratio Pokemon then evolves into a Pokemon with a 75% Female and 25% Male ratio. Now results from 1-192 (First 75% of 256) would result in female, with 193-256 (Last 25% of 256) resulting in male. Since the number the RNG selected doesn't change, the Pokemon's gender-determining number is still 129. But since a 129 is now in the Pokemon's female-gender range, the Pokemon ends up switching gender to female.

This also isn't something that needs to be programmed exclusively for Marill; the game runs a check for this sort of stuff when a Pokemon evolves, regardless of what it is. It's just with Azumarill and Marill, there's an actual chance of the gender changing due to the different ratios, whereas with other Pokemon, the ratios are constant so the check on them won't ever result in a change in gender.
I got it right! My record for these harder quizzes is 2-4.(I don't look up the information to make it more challenging.)
Just wondering now... Many of you may have heard about the MTV Europe's Best Act Ever award. The one that random people decided to made Rick Astley win. The winner is determined via an Internet poll, in which somebody is allowed to vote as many times as they want, just like the polls of WPM. What's my point with all these? People are using a certain macro tool for FireFox which keeps repeating a certain process, in this case the process of voting for Rick Astley. Now what if a bunch of idiots get that macro tool vote for Wurmple or any other wrong answer, just for ruining the pleasure we may get for beating WPM? By no means I'm suggesting WPM is doing that, I don't think he's such a person even though I don't know him. But the Internet is full o' fools, you never know when one of them is gonna ruin your day. That was all I had to say, and I got bored typing it. :p
Xander said:
It's due to the change in ratio that it is possible. There's no random recalculation, it's a 1:3 ratio becoming a 1:2 ratio. That extra bit becomes a toss-up and has the potential to land on either side.
That is completely unhelpful, as explanations go. Technically incorrect too, as the second ratio( equal distribution) would be 1:1.
Naxte said:
It's because of how the game determines a Pokemon's gender. How it does so, is it generates a random number between 1 and 256 for it[...]
This post, on the other hand, was great! Settled all my doubts and answered my questions. Thank you, Naxte!
Xander said:
Also, I'm with you, LaprasBoi. When I was in school, my teachers loved open-book tests. There's absolutely nothing wrong with them.
Well I wasn’t arguing their merits, although they are much more reasonable than otherwise for tests on the internet which cannot really be proctored. I was just responding to WPM’s smart-aleck comment( and condescending attitude which he & the staff would never tolerate from any other user >:-/ ) with a reminder that when having certain quizzes in school you are, indeed, allowed to consult your textbook( or the web, etc.).
Xander said:
But WPM is right about posting the answer[...] It does seem to ruin the fun when it's everyone telling you as opposed to you looking it up and finding out yourself.
Undoubtedly. There is NO good reason to do someone else’s work for him/her on something like this.
LaprasBoi said:
That is completely unhelpful, as explanations go. Incorrect too, as the second ratio( equal distribution) would be 1:1.
Wow. Try to be a little helpful, and get attitude. My math was off, sorry. Guess I should've stuck to just reading and not posting.

LaprasBoi said:
Well I wasn’t arguing their merits, although they are much more reasonable than otherwise for tests on the internet which cannot really be proctered. I was just responding to WPM’s comment with a reminder that when having certain quizzes in school you are, indeed, allowed to consult your textbook.
I didn't say you were arguing. I was sharing my opinion.

In any case, my mind's been elsewhere lately due to a death in the family. So I'm not entirely coherent at all times. Maybe it would be better to just go back to being the silent reader.
Don't worry Xander, LaprasBoi's comments aren't common here (that's why he was warned). I thought your posts were helpful in explaining things. :)
Thanks. They weren't really, when I read them again, and I don't mind some helpful criticism. I've been coming to this site and reading posts/forums for years now, just never really bothered posting until lately.

[BTW, WPM, I've tried to IM you a couple times on AIM in the past (though nothing of any importance). I figured you were too busy to reply or something, but figured I'd give you a heads up.]