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  1. Ho-Oh_Master

    The End of Fullmetal Alchemist.

    Well Fullmetal Alchemist fans, the story has finally come to a close after the 108th chapter which was released today. Edward and Alphonse Elric's journey to get their bodies back has finally ended! In another note, it's anime counterpart, FMA:Brotherhood, also ends in the final weeks of June...
  2. Ho-Oh_Master

    DSi LL/XL

    A DS upgrade?! =O The new DS is called the DSi LL(XL for America and Europe) and the only difference to the regular DSi is that instead of 3.2 inch screens, we get 4.2 screens. Here's more info: So...Hate it or Like it?
  3. Ho-Oh_Master

    Full Metal Alchemist -Brotherhood-(or 2) ;)

    So...There seems to soon be another anime adaptation of the manga Full Metal Alchemist series, but this time it will follow the manga storyline so it will be like a remake but has a different ending. It will be aired in Japan at April 5 2009 and in Southeast Asia(For those who have Animax Asia)...
  4. Ho-Oh_Master

    Is there a way....

    Is there a way to remove sound from a video? I need to know as soon as possible because I'm doing a silent film project which is due this friday.
  5. Ho-Oh_Master

    IP ban has a time limit??

    I just want to ask since I realized that my school isn't IP banned anymore(as what D_S said) so I just want to make sure, Does IP bans have time limits or was it that you(the staff) lifted the ban? If it is the latter thanks. :D
  6. Ho-Oh_Master

    Writing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of War. Pls. comment.

    This Fanfic is written in Script format. ================Prologue================ *scene is a prison cell with one pokemon there.* Protagonist: I don't know who am I. All I know is that I am Human and my name is Alberto. The reason why I have been locked up here because of one event that...
  7. Ho-Oh_Master

    Pokemon Pokemon special?!

    I was wondering, where can you find Pokemon Special/ Adventures in Hong Kong?
  8. Ho-Oh_Master

    Pokemon Cards in Hong Kong

    Allright, I will be going to Hong Kong and Macau next week and I need to know where to find a shop with Pokemon Card singles in both English and Japanese?
  9. Ho-Oh_Master

    Writing Team Galactic's Reign of Terror. My first Fanfic ever!

    Introduction What if the Palkia AND Dialga's capture by Cyrus was sucessful and the Main Characters in Diamond/Pearl , Lucas and Dawn , had fallen into the grasp of Team Galactic. This is one man's story to get everything that was lost back... Chapter one: The Dawn of a new legend...
  10. Ho-Oh_Master

    The R4 or DS revolution??

    Are they Legal or not?
  11. Ho-Oh_Master

    Ruling Two Dialga and Palkia Lv.X?

    Can anyone tell me why there are two arts for each dialga and palkia Lv.X?
  12. Ho-Oh_Master

    For Filipinos out there who loves Bands

    Fall out Boy Is coming on september, Araneta Colisseum!] Plus Incubus may come in the Philippines in Jan. but it is still not confirmed
  13. Ho-Oh_Master

    Pokemon Strongest pokemon Player

    I was wondering, who is the strongest pokemon player( in any way) In your school and village?
  14. Ho-Oh_Master

    Wi-Fi Trades Don't have a Darkrai? Get one here in Ho-Oh_master's player thread

    MY INFORMATION: My Friend Code:4811 3583 8360 Yahoo: [email protected] Name in the games:Raffy Contact Time: Anytime MY HAVES/WANTS POKEMON FOR TRADE==================== All Starters(INCLUDING The Johto starters) Phione(Multiples) Shiny Raticate(Clones) Shiny Bellossom(Clones)...