Finished PokéBeach Big Brother: Clique Collision

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Survivor Week - Immunity Challenge End

And that's time! Hope everyone tried their hardest to win this one! If you didn't win this challenge, and you're not Violet, you can be voted out tonight... Anyway, the winner of this challenge was...

@NinjaPenguin with a total of 39 points! You are immune NP, seems it was smart of you to bid on the advantage, or @PikaMasterJesi with 27 points would have won over you! Since there is no need to change nominees, or stuff like that, let's jump right into it!

Warning goes out to @Celever, as neither TAE or I received a submission from him. As a result, he will not be able to participate in Week 5's POV (unless he is nominated, then Week 6's HOH).

Survivor Week - Tribal Council
Welcome to tribal council. Tonight, you will decide who will be eliminated from Survivor, and who deserves to stay. All of you may cast your votes for anyone except @NinjaPenguin, or @VioletValkyrie, who won a Week Off in the auction. Anyone else is fair game.

Also, @PikaMasterJesi remember you have the
double vote, so use it wisely...

I give you permission to strategize with other survivors to make a decision on who to lynch. Whoever receives the most votes will be eliminated, and they cannot
come back. You have until Thursday March 30, 2017 at 10PM EST, to cast your votes. Good luck survivors!

Tags the Rest: @mirdo, @Little Cherrim, @double o squirtle, @Blakers
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Wait, can't come back?! There is still jury, right?
Well, the eliminated player goes on jury. Just the dramatic effect, as if I recall, that's what Jeff Probst would say at Tribal Council in most seasons. Don't worry, if you're eliminated, you still have a shot at coming back from the jury.
And that's time! Votes have been tallied, and a verdict has been reached. I'll count off the votes...

First vote: PikaMasterJesi

Second vote: double o squirtle

Third vote: double o squirtle

Fourth vote: Celever

Fifth vote: double o squirtle

Sixth vote: double o squirtle

Seventh vote: PikaMasterJesi

Eighth vote: double o squirtle

@double o squirtle, the tribe has spoken. You're the 2nd member of the jury, so take comfort in knowing an opportunity to return is in your future.

As for the rest of you, prepare for Week 5, hosted by TAE. Just like the last weeks he hosted, this next one's got some surprises up it's sleeve. I will be back with Week 6, so see you guys then! :)
Week 5 - Top 7

Here is a mysterious brown colored drink with an awful odor. I will give the group 24 hours to somehow come up with a decision of who to drink this odd drink. Will this drink contain some sort of advantage? Disadvantage? Nothing at all? Who knows!? Start talking!

Mass tag: @VioletValkyrie @NinjaPenguin @Little Cherrim @NinjaPenguin @mirdo @double o squirtle @Blakers @PikaMasterJesi

(One of you were eliminated, check above to see who it is!)

(Oh and @PikaMasterJesi is not eligible to drink as Jesi is on Technical Difficulties Week)
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I guess I can't drink it because I'm on a forced absence after not submitting a score, but can I be a part of the drinking negotiations? :U

Shame, too, because I would 100% drink it as well lol.
I guess I can't drink it because I'm on a forced absence after not submitting a score, but can I be a part of the drinking negotiations? :U

Shame, too, because I would 100% drink it as well lol.
Oh whoops, sorry I didnt tag you :p

You can drink it if you and the house agrees.

You cannot play in the next POV though
Welcome to Double Eviction Week - Head of Household!

Yes, indeed it is a Double Eviction Week, which means by the end of the week, 2 people will be sent packing to the jury house! But how will this week exactly play out? Good question, hopefully you can answer that yourself eventually, because I won’t answer it.

@Little Cherrim drinked the mysterious potion and discovered that they were contaminated with Loserosis. This deadly disease causes you to suffer and not be able to win Head of Household this week. Shame. However, it is curable by spreading the disease, but it only spreads during the first touch.

This is how the head of household will work:
- There is a contagious person in the house and they must choose to infect 1 uninfected houseguest.
- The person that transferred the infection is no longer contagious, but the houseguest that was just infected is now contagious.
- The cycle repeats until one person remains, which will be deemed immune from the deadly disease and crowned the new Head of Household.

PAY CLOSE ATTENTION! At the end of the game, the person that is contagious but has no-one to infect (aka the last person tagged) will have an especially lethal version of the disease. As a result, this person will automatically become a nominee of the week. The HOH will make 2 additional nominees.

Please make your infection decisions in a timely manner. You will be given 16 hours from the time you are tagged to choose who you would like to infect, (to avoid a warning), but the quicker you make the decision, the quicker the competition will finish.

In the event that someone does not submit on time, someone at random will be infected.

Good luck houseguests! Get talking with others! If you have any questions, please ask on this thread as this may be a little confusing.

To make a decision of who to infect, make a post on this thread in the following format. MAKE SURE TO TAG THE PERSON YOU ARE INFECTING.

I am choosing to infect @Little Cherrim with Loserosis to cure myself from it! :)

Uninfected: @mirdo @Celever @NinjaPenguin @VioletValkyrie @Blakers
Infected: @Little Cherrim
Cured: N/A
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TAE's still not online, so another update is by me. @mirdo has chosen to infect @Blakers! Blakers, HOH isn't your this time, sorry man.

You must infect one of the following players: @Celever @VioletValkyrie @NinjaPenguin

And you only have until Sunday April 2, 2017 at 1:30AM EST to choose someone to infect. Otherwise, a player will be chosen at random to be infected.
TAE this is supposed to be your week dude. Anyways, @Blakers has chosen to infect @VioletValkyrie! Not yours either Violet, sorry.

You have choice between @Celever or @NinjaPenguin. The one you do infect is automatically nominated, the one you don't is the HOH for this crucial week.

And you only have until Sunday April 2, 2017 at 2AM EST to choose who you'd like to infect. Otherwise, a player will be chosen at rando, to be infected.
@VioletValkyrie chose to infect @Celever with Loserosis and as a result, NinjaPenguin is the survivor of the disease, and probably also immune!

As such, congratulations @NinjaPenguin you are the Head of Household!

As for Celever, unfortunately, you have no-one to transfer the disease to and will be automatically a nominee this week :(

*Since Celever is automatically a nominee, he will be able to play in the veto, despite getting a warning earlier, but will not be able to play in the next HOH if he remains.

NinjaPenguin, you have 24 hours to make your nominations PUBLICALLY! :)
I've chosen to nominate @Little Cherrim and @mirdo . You two are the only ones I can nominate that have never directly communicated with me, and I find that unacceptable at this stage in the game.
Week 5 - Power of Veto!

It has been decided! As Head of Household, @NinjaPenguin has decided to nominate @Little Cherrim and @mirdo . Additionally, @Celever is also a nominee by suffering the fatal disease of Loserosis. Since @PikaMasterJesi is still on Technical Difficulties Week, there are only 6 people left to compete during this veto, meaning that everyone will compete! No RNG!

(That also means that Celever will be unable to participate in the next HOH for his previously acquired warning).

For this competition, the players will be questioned on various Pokemon related topics that may strengthen your critical thinking skills. Here is how the veto competition will work.

I will ask everyone a question. You must then private message me the correct answer to the question in the next 24 hours. If you get the question correct, you stay in the game. If you get it wrong, you lose your chance at the veto. If you do not submit anything within that 24 hour period, you also lose your chance at the veto, and will receive a warning. Additionally, if everyone gets the question correct, the last person to submit is out of the veto competition. Last person standing wins!

The first question will be posted today at 10 PM EDT / 7 PM PDT.

Good luck houseguests! The questions get harder as the game goes on! You may only submit an answer once, make sure you are confident in your answer before submitting! Additionally, you are not allowed to talk in any alliance chats about these questions during this time, you may still talk about strategy in voting / alliances / etc, just NOTHING about this veto.

Oh and one more thing. Since there are basically 6 people playing this Week, there will be 1 HOH and 3 nominees leaving 2 voters during the eviction. That means that those 2 people each get to choose 1 person of the 3 to evict. So if you want a good chance at surviving, you should probably win the veto!

Mass Tag: @NinjaPenguin @Celever @Little Cherrim @mirdo @VioletValkyrie @Blakers @PikaMasterJesi
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