Recent content by Tuffcookie22

  1. Tuffcookie22

    Rotom Pokedex - What do you think of it?

    I'm really excited to see what this new pokedex will be like. I'm hoping it will help guide you on your journey without limiting you too much, still allowing for some free player exploration. Having it talk will be very interesting! Completely new!
  2. Tuffcookie22

    Working my way through Alpha Sapphire and anxious for Moon!

    Working my way through Alpha Sapphire and anxious for Moon!
  3. Tuffcookie22

    XY Possible Leaked Pokémon: Diancie, Volcanion, Hoopa, and more!

    On the ring, there are little circular areas that are raised up, I was imagining water coming out of those. After I hopped off, I did more searching and saw the images with the cannons. I'm still not a fan of the character design but I love the typing. II figured most people already knew...
  4. Tuffcookie22

    XY Possible Leaked Pokémon: Diancie, Volcanion, Hoopa, and more!

    I gotta say it..I don't like Volcanion at all. I totally see the door knocker/teething ring thing and am NOT impressed. From all the tiki talk, I was hoping for something that actually resembled a tiki-totem. NOT the mutant Boldore this thing looks like. Though the type combo is amazing and...
  5. Tuffcookie22

    Pokemon 2014 Championships-DC Who's going?

    Hey everyone!, I know I'm brand spanking new to pokebeach but I'm curious.. Anyone else planning to head to the championships this coming summer? I'm originally from Maryland and DC is only a hop and a skip from my childhood home. The moment I heard that the championships are being held in...
  6. Tuffcookie22

    NFL Discussion Topic - Favorite Teams and How They are Doing

    RE: Is Homosexuality a Choice? I can't speak for anyone but myself. I did NOT chose my sexuality. I was raised going to catholic school until 5th grade, I helped my cousin who is a Baptist minister teach vacation bible school when I was young..yet, I still ended up being bisexual. I CANNOT help...
  7. Tuffcookie22

    The Worst In People

    I was bullied A LOT as a kid, it still messes with me a bit. I went through an extraordinary amount of different kinds of abuse as a child and the last thing I needed, was to be picked on. I was sent to the principal once when I tapped another kid on the shoulder to ask him a question relating...
  8. Tuffcookie22

    Pokemon What Is Your Most Disliked Pokémon and Why?

    RE: What Is Your Most Disliked Pokemon? I have a Zubat, Swoobat, heck, ALL of the bat pokemon! I think I'm just sick of them. I mean, EVERY cave in EVERY region? Why not cool glow worm pokemon? Or even naked mole rat pokemon? ANYTHING but constant BATS!! gaaaahhh! Next is Mega...
  9. Tuffcookie22

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello All!, My name is Pamela or Pam for short. I am 35 and the mother of a 16 yr. old. and AVID pokefan since the very beginning! I decided to join this wonderful group because I live in a small rural area in Virginia, USA. I don't have many friends around who are as into pokemon as I am...