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  • pokemonmbl, *facepalm*

    No, I'm saying that you need to know what to tech against!
    pokemonmbl, Exactly what I said. If you don't know what's being played, you don't know what to tech against the format after.
    Yo, you're Matt from the Source right? This is T, Gabe's friend. I went there with Magnezone/Regirock a lot, don't know if you remember me.
    pokemonmbl, No, you're gonna want to stick with this build for nats so you can tech/see whats the play.
    pokemonmbl, Yes, but CL and HGSS are both legal, so that was a stupid question XP
    pokemonmbl, No Special Dark because of Darkness Patch, and there has only ever been one PONT, and that is in HGSS.
    pokemonmbl, Uncle is in the hospital, that's why. Ill PM you the list.
    Nope, but I suggest which ever one you are most comfortable list. Give me the one you would want to play (Darkness Toolbox is cheaper), and I'll PM you a list.
    pokemonmbl, Hey sorry, I saw you are interested in my base set stuff. Are you offering your giratina x for those cards or do you want to do something else? I'd be happy to trade with you; just make an offer or if there's anything else you need that's not on my list I can check to see if I have it. :)
    pokemonmbl, It's about the competitive world of the TCG, so it should be in the competitive collective. Other than that, its good.

    Also, the DE prerelease is later this month at the source. I'll get dates for us at the time.
    pokemonmbl, For the list, click at the top of the screen where it says 'Viewing: Pokebeach forum'
    Hello there and welcome to PokeBeach! You can call me TyphloWolf. ^^ Hope you enjoy your time here!
    pokemonmbl, On the top of the subform that you're posting your thread in, there is a 'Create New Thread' button. Click on it.
    pokemonmbl, Capitalize the beginning of sentences and names, such as Oshawott. 'I' is also capitalized.

    Btw, ADHD <333333
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