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  • I never set up my PSN. >.< What multiplayer games do you play? I'm not into FPS, I never got past the whole "I can't see my character" thing. (don't get me wrong, though. I actually have tried sitting down and playing them)
    Some Loser, Hey, I'm using your username for gamefaqs, since no other usernames I would like using are available.
    You okay with this?
    Some Loser,
    I hope so. I kind of want more last of us
    Some Loser, Although the way the Bloater kills you is awesome. I never thought you could kill someone by tearing off their lower jaw,
    Some Loser, Oh.
    Hey, I actually like Pewds. Anyway, I'm just pissed, not scared. I mean, i'm shaking a lot right now, but not like, anxiety attacks. It's a crime how much they abuse scissor pick-ups in the game. My duct tape and rags are full 24/7, so if I ever need to just start killing people by mugging them with rolls of duct tape or gagging them, I can with no worries.
    Alcohol? It's abundant enough.
    Sugar? Who the hell honestly uses smoke bombs?
    Explosives? Dead weight.
    Scissors? I think I figured out how many people died.
    Not by being shot.
    Not by being mauled.

    Oh, Jimmy, it's a clicker! Run, Jimmy! RUN!
    But I need to finish this project or my teacher will send me outside the school with only a shiv and a two-by-four!
    No, NOW!
    Okay, just let me finish cutting thiiiisssssss...sss - Oh SHIT! I'm running!

    *Jimmy falls on scissors*

    It's seriously annoying how the one crafting item that is needed to make three different things and usually is found as often as rags, alcohol, and duct tape is somehow going extinct.
    Some Loser, PewDiePie's?
    Anyway, the pull a Dead Space 3 and give you no hints when there is a bloater, which is the equivalent to the Hunter (Ubermorphs, whatever) from DS3 only that you can kill this one...
    With two nail bombs, a magazine of shotgun blasts, and maaayyyyybbeeee a Molotov. Oh, and eventhough you know how much of a tank these things are from when you faced them beforehand, last time was in a fully-lighted high school gym and you and a friend were armed to the teeth. Now, it's just, you, him, and your flashlight.
    This shit's not fair. It's just not fair.
    Why not!

    Have you played The Last of Us yet? I know you have a PS3, so you can't say that you don't have the ability to.
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