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  • evil_elf, Psh, that's not...actually, you're right. People are like cards. You don't know if you're choosing the right one or missing out on unknown opportunities. This could indeed affect my love life in two or so years.

    You're right. Zeel is the girlfriend I'll never have (who would want me back after ditching the person THREE TIMES?!) so that shall be my final option. Any choice is going to have an obvious loss, may as well choose the one with the loss that isn't as popular. (Chandelure needs Beach, not too many people have access to it.)

    Apologies for the late reply. I checked my Profile Comments at Barnes and Noble or something and got distracted. It isn't that late, but I hope you didn't think I was ignoring you or something.
    evil_elf, Psh, that's not...actually, you're right. People are like cards. You don't know if you're choosing the right one or missing out on unknown opportunities. This could indeed affect my love life in two or so years.

    You're right. Zeel is the girlfriend I'll never have (who would want me back after ditching the person THREE TIMES?!) so that shall be my final option. Any choice is going to have an obvious loss, may as well choose the one with the loss that isn't as popular. (Chandelure needs Beach, not too many people have access to it.)

    Apologies for the late reply. I checked my Profile Comments at Barnes and Noble or something and got distracted. It isn't that late, but I hope you didn't think I was ignoring you or something.
    Yeah, it'll be tons of fun if you go! I went to three dances already, and it's great fun! Plus you dance with your friends too!
    evil_elf, I always have trouble choosing lol. Back to Zeel now, I think I've changed...four times?
    evil_elf, Thanks so much! I usually work 4 hours a day during the week and 8 hours on weekends. In addition to being a full-time student in college it's pretty hard on me. :(
    It has an even matchup against the triangle (Dragons » Magnezone » Trainer lock » Dragons) and that is helpful in a place where I don't know the meta. Lol I keep thinking how easy it'd be if I played in MN, I'd have never changed from Vanilluxe.
    evil_elf, I think I'm switching again to Lanturn LOL. He's the cheap BDIF right now imo. I feel more comfortable with it than Eelzone. And I used to love Magnezone and Regirock.

    ZPST does have viability still but not as much as Zeel. The new
    evil_elf, Aw I'm sorry to hear that. :\ I had a full-length test once on something we covered in one class period. I didn't do well at all on that test >.<..
    evil_elf, Zeel is so much better though.

    It was fun. It was the same league leader as well. Took me about 5 minutes to get all of my promos and patches lol.
    evil_elf, Well that's lucky for you as a Cake player. Lol you pwn noobs too. One time I went to league in MN for one of the last times, after playing hardly any matches in the past, and cleared all my score cards at the same time in one day. Most of them had like one row completed too. The leader was pretty annoyed at giving me so much stuff.
    evil_elf, Yeah, I guess everything will happen after the holidays. Makes me feel like I'm still moving.

    Oh, get this: Rocky Helmet in Zeel. Now my deck can beat Trainer lock stuff. It's a shame I'm not rich, Chandelure was fun when I played it for testing the Helmet line. Have you played against any yet?
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