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  • Certainly. You've got to show me more maps in the future. I've got a few MLG maps on my file share as well, so take a look at those if you'd like.
    It is indeed, [link=http://www.pokebeach.com/forums/user-joeypals]see for yourself.[/link] :O
    First off, thanks for the games! Tons of fun.

    As for your map, I feel it's decent, but there are a few problems. Firstly, the lifts only work half of the time, and one even put me in an infinite loop to where I couldn't back to the ground or up top. You really need to space out your objects, since half of the time I had no idea where I was in relation to the center of the map due to all of the clutter and obstructive walls. When working on competitive maps, keep the design simple and use as little items as possible. The top of the map was really well done, though. I loved the little bases in each corner, but with all of the nooks and crannies in the map, it's really easy for people to just hide and pop out with the boltshot for easy kills. All in all, if you remove some objects, straighten out the paths, and give the map a bit more simplicity, you'll have one of the coolest competitive maps I've seen in a while. Thanks again!
    Sure! I'm no forge expert, but I can give you my view from a competitive standpoint.
    If you see me playing Halo whenever, just shoot me a message, I'd be more than happy to play.
    Sorry for kinda blowing you off on XBL the other day, I really wanted to finish up Black Ops 2, haha. We'll get some games in on Halo 4, though, don't you worry.
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