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  • Haha no problem! You were the first friend I made on here. I haven't worked on my story in ages, but I will finish it. Right now I'm just enjoying the XY hype! Still trying to find a flying-type on my team. The lack of them bothers me.
    Not sure where to post this, so I figured I'd bring it up to a mod.
    When Charizard X was announced, I decided to make my own profile picture of it to use here on Pokebeach. Apparently, another user, Spartansn1p3r, has decided to use it as well. It's against the rules to use someone's profile picture as your own. I never gave him permission and he never gave me any credit. I tried to tell him, but he's offline. I'd really appreciate if something was done about it soon, as I really don't like him going around the forums with my self-made profile picture. Thanks.

    thank you very much :>
    I think I'll get slowly used to everything. Been following the forum for quite a long time so I know my ways around :D
    I'm totally on team Chesnaught since it's reveal! :D I really like Delphox, but I feel like it's missing something that could've tied the design all together. Greninja has always been meh to me. Overall I like them all, but Chesnaught will be my main partner in the Kalos region. :D
    It was a blast! Well, except for Oad going bankrupt. >_< But, aside from that and a few other small problems, we had an awesome time. Lots of relaxing on the beach and doing nothing. We also went snorkeling a few times, which was crazy awesome! :D Once I'm fully back next week, I'll be sure to post up some pictures. :3
    If I wanted help getting ideas for fakemon for my game, where should i go? General Discussion, or Creative Works (i think that's what it's called).
    I just realized something. HOW DO YOU PRONOUNCE YOUR NAME? is it pronounced like drone, or is it like drawn(I thought of this because it is spelled similar to John)?
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