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  • Drohn, Nah, I'm a year behind everyone else. So next year is gonna be terrible.
    Drohn, Just been stressing over school.

    Got a Pre-Calc final that is happening friday, been studying a lot, and with all my friends leaving at the end of this school year I have been stressing with planning all their open houses and saying good byes.
    Drohn, Thanks Drohn! :D I was so excited...it was kinda hard to hold the camera steady. I'll have most of my list for my next order ready in a day or so, so I'll post it on your thread, and you can pick it up at your convenience since I'm still waiting for the Rising Fist stuff. XD
    That was exactly what the problem was, yes. :D It's not ctrl-shift on our computer, though; they have it set now so that you can customize whatever key setting you want to do that and ours was ctrl-0. :p But all fixed. :3

    Thanks so much for mailing my stuff out! <3 Leave me a PM with the totals and exchange costs and I'll transfer monies to you next time I'm on. :3 I think this will be the last thing I have you ship; I plan on having you pick me up some Rising Fist stuff, and the NanoBlocks, but I may as well just wait for you to come back with those, and everything else I get can be saved for then, too. :p You'll have to let me buy you a beer or something as thanks for all of your help and running around buying things for me once you get back. :D
    I dunno what you mean by the ctrl shift, thing. I think the keyboard got accidentally shifted to another language setting, but I dunno how to fix that, so I was planning on asking my husband when he wakes up. At least it´s no big deal since I´m hardly on for now.
    Sorry, it stands for Transformers. But yes, I am a little bit of a writer. I've been thinking about posting it to the Writer's Corner for some time, but I've never gotten around to it.
    Drohn, Thanks for the welcome! n///n I know about the game, but I really loved the idea of Pokemon TCG n///n
    Drohn, Actually it was another equation for something I was working on a little while ago. It was part of a TF fanfiction.
    Drohn, oh Derp. Thanks. So, is the Athena the one who has to approve it, or is it allowed for any mod to approve it?
    It's been up and down for me. My parents got in a really bad fight with our roommate (a friend of my dad's who has been staying with us until he can save money for a house), and he's threatening to move out even though he knows we can't afford the rent for the house we're at by ourselves. He was always kinda mean but now he's acting like a huge *word too inappropriate to say here* because he inherited 90k from his grandma. But in the upside, he's willing to pay the 4 months lease in advance.

    Also I got a Professor lab coat (from my league leader) and at yardsales I got 30 pounds of assorted minerals and a LOT of Pokémon cards!
    I agree, still, both I and CMP had corrected the moron... but he said the generic names, right. Yes, you're right.
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