Recent content by Darthkuriboh

  1. D

    Help New Player

    I've actually been looking at Lapras GX, trying to figure out a build around it
  2. D

    Help Question about deck building

    when you're building a deck, and you choose to add EX or M-EX pokemon.. do you have to use the EX to evolve into the M-EX? Example: Glalie-EX into M-Glalie-EX?
  3. D

    Standard This is what I'm looking at

    well, I mean if I don't have anything else out how will I get energy onto lapras?
  4. D

    Help New Player

    I'm actually looking at a Lapras GX deck. I'm having trouble deciding on pokemon other than 4x Lapras GX tho lol
  5. D

    Standard This is what I'm looking at

    I won't be able to play tapu lele. not now at least, possibly not for a very long time. Therefore, I've been looking through the GX pokemon, and I think Lapras might be a good choice. I just need to find good support pokemon for him
  6. D

    Standard This is what I'm looking at

    is there even a point in using non-GX pokemon?
  7. D

    Standard This is what I'm looking at

    holy crap some of that list is expensive
  8. D

    Standard This is what I'm looking at

    I was just looking at Tapu Koko GX and now I'm thinking I want to build around that.. it's NASTY
  9. D

    Help New Player

    oh okay cuz I know when I've gone to my yugioh store before my schedule changed on Saturdays they had league cups there a couple of times
  10. D

    Standard This is what I'm looking at

    if you were going to build this for competitive standard, what would it look like?
  11. D

    Standard This is what I'm looking at

    can you show me what a drampa deck looks like? If I'm going to play I want to play something that can actually win, and I just don't have the skill yet to build my own
  12. D

    Standard This is what I'm looking at

    Probably not lol... I have a tendancy to make weird decks when I don't really know a game well
  13. D

    Standard This is what I'm looking at

    yeah I'd be a pretty new player so I'd need something that can be competitive but is also easier to learn. I've been playing ptcgo and it's helping me learn the game a bit but of course i have to buy cards to get them in game.
  14. D

    Standard This is what I'm looking at

    I didn't mark double. Just colorless energy
  15. D

    Standard This is what I'm looking at

    Excellent. Thank you for the advice. What would you suggest instead of Alteria?