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  • CloudlessRayne, cliffhangers and resolved chapters are used for different things. I prefer my chapters resolved, but I am not afraid to slip in a cliffhanger now and then. I aim to complete a specific plot point and/or reach over 2000 words each time I write a chapter. For the most part, it worked - and while writing some, I did find a point to split some really large chapters in half.
    Guess what? This motivational speaker came to my school today (His name was Stu) and he was actually funny, he just told us a whole bunch of stories and put morals onto them. When it was all over one of my friends came up to me:
    "I want to see you two have some sort of story competition, see who can tell the craziest true stories... I have no idea who would win!"
    It just about made my day :p I like my stories, maybe I could make a career our of them just like this Canadian dude :D
    You split chapter 1 up into FOUR pieces? But they're so short now...
    (gonna look over it when I find some time)
    Some people do that just to make a point. Furthermore, your teacher was probably one of those "you shouldn't be into this garbage" types who can't anything influenced by pop culture to begin with. I know people like that, so it's nothing new to me. Still, it was mean to rip up a fifth grader's story like that.
    I don't remember pointing anything out before, mostly because I couldn't find a good window of time to do so. I think I just did a general overview of the story and a 'fix your pronouns and homonyms' thing.
    I've been criticized like that on occasion. Admittedly, I also have a bit of a rep for being harsh like that too, especially towards really bad fics. Don't get it in your head that I shoot down any and all fics that I just think are bad. I'm talking about ones that are really terrible.
    I should mention that my rough drafts are all handwritten, but I type them up and revise them before posting online. I take pride in doing quality writings.
    They're both in the Writer's Corner, and I have links to each in my signature (Biohazard's link is in my banner and Feral Twilight's link is just below it). I've completed the rough drafts of all of my stories, but I have a hard time finishing final drafts because I constantly like to revise things
    I never saw the point in NaNoWriMo myself, and I actually write novel-length stories. My projects are mostly fanfics, though. Actually, I'm trying to get cracking on my master projects collectively titled The Crusade of Dark Nostalgia. The series consists of two main stories: Feral Twilight (which chronicles the adventures of a Pokemon trainer named Jay as he tries to take down an ancient deity who's trying to destroy all mankind) and Biohazard (which chronicles the aftermath of said human extermination centuries down the road when few traces of it are left and Pokemon dominate the world).
    The holidays are a hectic time for me, especially with work. This time of year is when I usually get swamped with jobs (I'm a carpet/flooring installer by trade, so people are always in a rush to get their floors done before Christmas). Aside from that, I have a couple writing projects that I've been meaning to finish and post soon.
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