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  • Amphy23, I can't at the moment, I'll get back to you later tonight if I'm able and you're still available. Can't promise I'll be able to in the first place, but we'll see I guess.
    BLUE SHELLLLLLL *shakes fist*

    About time I came in first in one of these races :p
    Good game! You were pretty good compared to others I've raced. Good game! You were pretty good compared to others I've raced.

    Oh, so it was you! Shoulda guessed. I haven't played MK in months so yeah it took me a bit to get back into the swing of things. Of course, in a two-player race, one or two screwups can seal the race if you're racing against a good player. I am not on very often though but I would like to race again if I ever get the chance to.
    Same. haha
    I only really post in the Minecraft thread anymore.
    We had a conversation quite a few months ago, about a Reshiram of mine called dracoblanc. I traded him away and you said you'd get him back for me. Ring any bells?
    Pretty good. Just been derping around here recently.
    Cerulean Magazine was a magazine project that Pokebeach USED to be doing, but it didn't get too far off the ground. You can't find it because, as TDL said, everything about it was hidden/archived.

    The archives do exist (I know where they are); they're just invisible.
    About the Cerulean Magazine, we got rid of that a long time ago and everything about it was hidden away. The only discussion thead there was was a "I wanna help" thread that also is probably gone with the magazine.
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