XY X & Y Trilogy? Theories and Comments


Definatly Baby Giratina
From all the resent leaks and theory`s from TyranitarTube and others as well I have concluded a theory of my own here it is.

X&Y were said to have been in development scenes Black and White came out but who's to say they were working on those games? With the release of Thousand Arrows and Thousand Waves and the possible, and most likely true theory of Zygard having new forms of sort; Lets just say that we may have a Pokémon Z. But unlike other after games which consist of the same story line this could be different. The map of Kalos you got from GameStop by preordering X&Y shows that Kalos is connected to a continent. So does Zygard even come from Kalos or is the Continent Kalos too? If the continent is also Kalos then that would explain the lack of new Pokémon in X&Y so we could see new ones, the size of Kalos being small and the routes being small, and The mystery of Zygards secret power.

I know what your thinking like *How do you explain the ended story line.* or *Well what about Team Flare?* Well the answer is simple the story line was incomplete what happened to Lysandre anyway sure he probably died but that would seem to dark even for Pokémon (although if that was the case good for you Pokémon you have finally gotten the hint some characters are hated) But Lysandre was a very likeable character even to the player he always seemed helpful. As for the story line here is how I say it would go.

It picks off 3 years after you gain the Honor of Kalos Medal you are now 13 lets say cause somehow your 10 in X&Y. -_- So its your character from X&Y so you`d have to transfer your data or something if this is possible. Team Flare is back and this time there doing good in the labs and everything but Lysandre is still missing and the doctor guy has taken over the team. Lysandre however has been off in the other part of the continent and has found a startling discovery that puts all the environment at risk. So its up to you to stop him while on your journey again when all new pokemon, gyms and maybe some other things; have popped up. It is when Lysandre returns all crazy and furious at you AZ and all others who tried to take down his plan. Basically he has this device that controls Xernese and Yvletal and he starts to destroy everything waking up Zygard who changes his form depending upon his environmental stat and biome.

This I believe would be a great thing for Game Freak to do for it opens up a whole new style of gameplay to the Pokémon universe. Also there has been no actual full ending or sequel to a Pokémon game (except maybe BW2 but even that had holes) it kind of just lefts off after you beat the team and finish the league. This would too but with more of a story line for X&Y felt kind of incomplete to me.

So please leave comments below on what you think of this and I hope this can be a good discussion about all the recent leaks and such.
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Rather than transferring data (something Gamefreak would never do imo), I could see it picking up the perspective of someone elsewhere in Kalos, possibly Lumiose or elsewhere. That way, it would be possible to continue the story from a new perspective, a la BW2. In that time gap new Pokémon/Mega Evolutions could be discovered, catching Gen 6 up to previous Pokémon totals, too.
Then they'd lose all the new people or people who hadn't played X/Y, making them lose money. It's not really a viable idea. They could do a Memory Link-jiggy to unlock some stuff, though.