Worst luck in a game?

At cites finals (best 2/3) I won the first game , second game I went first, I had a baltoy start and all trainers in my hand except for one call energy, he gets a gastly start. On my turn I forget about the call energy and pass, he draws and drops 2 crobat G flashbites double poketuns double flash bites then poketuns a bat and flash bites for the win. I felt so dumb after forgetting the call energy. But then I won next game and cites that year :)
When I was playing Rampardos:
Game 1: Toxitank donk
Game 2: METAPOD donk
That didn't go over well.

When I was playing Abomasnow in BR Finals:
Game 1: Snover, Hide, Tails. Machop-Candy-Machamp-Energy-Game
Game 2: 40 minute game which I win.
Game 3: Snover, Hide, Tails. Machop-Candy-Machamp-Uxie-Roseanne-Game.
I played a fire deck I drawed my first seven cards they were all energies.

Quailman said:

Worst luck in a game was when I couldn't get a basic Pokemon for 5 mulls and when I finally get a basic, the hand is so awful(3 dark energy,Uxie, 2 Cyrus's Initiative, Aaron's Collection) I wish I didn't get the basic and end up losing.

haha, thats pretty good
In the 2009 FL Regionals top cuts. I darkness graced but I couldn't find a single haunter they were all prized including 3 Bebe search :[
Well i'll start here-
What are the odds of being one away from topcut/prizes
10 times in like 15ish tourney's?
Then 2010 OH States, i played a 1-0-1 Dusknoir DP tech in cursegar and got LONE SHINY DUSKULL START 3 out of 6 games....(of course no call in ANY of those games...)
i went 3-3 overall...
Well i'll start here-
What are the odds of being one away from topcut/prizes
10 times in like 15ish tourney's?

That's happened to me a couple of times. Once at cities, I came 5th and top 4 got prizes, and another time in a tournament at my league I came 3rd and top 2 got prizes. Both those times I had the same record as the guys that got prizes.... :( And my friend came 33rd in Worlds.... Just one place away from 36 packs and a DSi XL.... :( :( :(

~Absol+Gallade~ said:
Once at cities, I came 5th and top 4 got prizes,
Wow. That happened to me, too. And to make it worse, my friend came in 4th. ;_;
This was a fun match at league, but still. I was playing Porygon-Z, the one that uses TM's to add 20 damage for each, and FIVE of them were prized. I don't remember the outcome of the game, but I think I lost.