Pokemon What would you give up your Pokemon collection for ?


Aspiring Trainer
So I am curious to know, what your Pokemon collection means to you ?.

Not a number or value, but in terms of sentimental or life ?.

Would you give up your collection ?,It can be anything.
I probably wouldn't give it up for any other leisure-specific material things. But if by some absurd circumstance it meant saving someone's live? Sure, I'd give it up for that. My collection means a lot to me personally, but only personally.
I wouldn't give it up for just anything, as I've been collecting since Base Set came out. Although if for some odd reason I was offered a Shelby Mustang for them then I may have to part with them.
What little I have is outdated and has little sentimental value, so I'd give it up for basically anything.
Except Luxray GL lvX. I got 5th in states with that, my best record X)
I would give up some cards, except ones that mean a lot to me.
I wouldn't give up the Pokemon VGs though, as Emerald was the first one I got, and has much sentimental value. I could never give it away!
I would never give any of my VG games, ever. A lot of them were birthday gifts and they mean a lot to me.

My TCG collection I hold onto dearly. The cards I have are very competitive and I want to get competitive in the game sometime soon, maybe next year.
As of late I have been selling a few of my treasures to help my girlfriend and myself afford things financially.

It's definitely a sacrifice but one that I'm pretty content with. There are a few cards I plan to keep though. :)
I think most people would give up, most of their collection but for reasons unique to the individual, we have sentimental value.
Oh and I just remembered something else I would give up all of Pokemon for (for a whole month :O) :

a 15-pound block of U238 :)
What would I give up my collection for?

The list you are about to read is not yet finished.

Diplomatic Immunity
Car of my choice
The ability to fly
The ability to talk to animals
X-Ray vision
House made of gold
Freezer full of ice cream
Super computer
Rapid fire machine gun that shoots jelly beans
Pet dinosaur (plant-eating, duh)
Everyone says "Girlfriend of their dreams" the idea of a Girlfriend of your dreams doesn't exist. My idea of the perfect girl changed, when I met my girlfriend. Well hand over your collections lads, I will sort you out with girls ;).
This is my 1,000 post, so I gotta make it good. I'd give up my collection for a car, so then I have something to drive in about a year. I may also give it up to get an Xbox 720.
A proper collection and a Girlfriend. Preferably attractive and great personality. :3