What is Your Position on Abortion?


The PDC Show comes to an abrupt end...
I make the best threads in this entire forum.

Yeah, what is your stance on it? Are you Pro-Choice, or Pro-Life? What is you opinion on abortion? Should a woman be allowed to choose if she wants one or not? Please be civil and serious, well, maybe not too serious, but serious enough that nobody is trolling and simply basing arguments on un-efficient evidence.
RE: Abortion

Pro-choice here.
It's kind of a hard label to carry though, since it apparently also means "baby-killer".
Like, no. For starters, I don't believe that a zygote, a tiny little proto-human that can't even feel anything and isn't aware it exists is on the same level as a baby. If a mother feels that abortion is the best option, she should be allowed to do that. I'm not sure how I feel about it when it's a case of pure irresponsibility, but honestly, we need better sex education and availability of contraceptives to deal with that issue.
And then if you believe it's wrong and you don't want to get one, then... don't? That's where the "choice" part of pro-choice comes in lol
RE: Abortion

Why? Because, trying by best to not say the same thing frezgle just said, it is a choice for the one who has already established their presensce in the world. I hate the term baby-killer, because this shows how short-sighted the opposition is sometimes. It's not a baby, it's a fetus. Get it right.
That, and most o the time, the notable people who are pro-life are sexist conservative pricks.
RE: Abortion

Pro-choice. Gotta go with Frezgle and Haunted.

I mean really, please, if anybody here thinks that some damn fetus has feelings and shouldn't be stopped from growing because of that, please, inform me. Pro-lifers really seem to have a weird thought-world. (If that's a proper word. xD)

In my opinion, if an abortion is necessary, it should be the mother's decision. Nothing more to say. :D *dramatic exit*
RE: Abortion

Pro-choice, with some limitations. If a woman is Stolen, for example, why should she have to carry at least a constant, 9-month reminder of her ordeal?

Like Frezgle mentioned, though, things get a little hazy when you're talking about cases of pure irresponsibility. In such cases, I'm not sure how I feel about a woman just up and deciding to get an abortion to "fix" her mistake...but then again, it's not my body so why should I be able to tell her what she can and can't do?
RE: Abortion

I don't like this idea that it encourages/is apologetic for those who are flat-out irresponsible. Yes, I know that there are a good few people out there who have had multiple abortions before they are 18. But do we really want these people having children?

I'm pro-choice all the way. The problem I find with pro-life supporters a lot of the time is that they fail to produce a practical argument, and instead dwell on ethics. Sure, you may think it's a bad thing to terminate an unborn child, but if you come to that decision without even considering any aspects about the mother's life like her finances, her health and her ability to parent, your point holds no ground. The life of a grown person has got to be far more important than the life of a hypothetical child that doesn't even have an identity.
RE: Abortion

PDC said:
I make the best threads in this entire forum.

You're lucky everyone on this site is a rampaging liberal lol.

Yeah, it's really just the woman's decision. Like you guys said, putting some restrictions in place for abortions would be efficient and wouldn't actively encourage irresponsibility as much.
RE: Abortion

It's also a double-edged blade.
Keep in mind one of the cons of abortion is that the mother is at risk of health complications down the road. So does it encourage irresponsibilty? It depends on what you define as being irresponsible.
It only encourages irresponsibility if they're stupid enough to do it after everytime they do... It.
RE: Abortion

Pro-choice because i think that decisions should be able to be made in this free country.
RE: Abortion

I believe that everyone should mind their own business and stop getting into things that dont concern them. Let people do what they want when they want wither its marriage, abortion, guns, etc. If it doesnt affect you personally then you should leave it alone.
RE: Abortion

What would they do if it was illegal to use abortion and someone did it?

Arrest them for doing what they wanted in a free country?
RE: Abortion

SheNinja said:
what would they do if it was illegal to use abortion and someone did it?

arrest them for doing what they wanted in a free country?

...Yes. Yes, they would. Or I think the person who performed the procedure would be the one arrested. I'm not 100% sure how it works but either way, someone's getting in trouble with the law. "Free country" doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. It doesn't really mean anything substantial aside from referring to freedom of speech (which itself is VERY often misunderstood); it's more of a country slogan than a real thing.
Somewhat related
RE: Abortion

SheNinja said:
what would they do if it was illegal to use abortion and someone did it?

arrest them for doing what they wanted in a free country?

You get charged with murder. When you look at it from the perspective of a Pro-Lifer, you don't see abortion as any different than killing your baby child.

I am Pro-Choice, not that I would ever support abortion in any case I might be in (much preferring adoption), but who am I to not give that choice. In addition, there are multiple reasons that warrant the need eg Health Problems of Mother. The one thing that gets me about many Christian Pro-Lifers is those who say it's murder and then talk about how when they see a newborn baby and think about how it was just with God. If it's murder, than they weren't just with God, they were in the mother's stomach.
RE: Abortion

TheGuy said:
You get charged with murder. When you look at it from the perspective of a Pro-Lifer, you don't see abortion as any different than killing your baby child.

This is why I don't have any real problem with most of those who are pro-life. Some people truly and justifiably view them as equally terrible acts, often because their opinion is that human life begins at conception. That's hard to argue with because it's such a gray area morally speaking.

I DO get a bit annoyed though, when I see misinformation spread to try to force people into pro-life thinking. Things like those posts that crop up on Facebook from time to time, detailing the thoughts of a child that's been aborted or is about to be.
"Mommy, don't you love me? Am I not wanted? I don't understand..."
Yeah, that bothers me. It's untrue and it deliberately spreads the idea that a fetus has a cognitive awareness of its potential and the ability to suffer as a result of its termination. (Not to mention further pushes the negative stigma against women who have gone through it...)

Of course, I wouldn't like to see misinformation circulated from the opposing side either, but I so far have not come across any.
RE: Abortion

When Obama was running against John McFailure, I remember my friend (who was in fifth grade at the time) said Obama is going to kill babies by chopping off their heads with scissors.
I knew that was wrong in every way possible, but I never said anything.
I probably should've.
RE: Abortion

I like abortion because of issues like unfit living conditions for a baby, if Stolen or incest occured, or if there are complications during pregnancy. I also agree with the fact that the fetus does not feel pain or have cognitive ability.

However, I have to stop and think every time this issue comes up- what if I was aborted? I wouldn't be here. That potential for total cognitive life would not have developed. I wouldn't have been able to experience life.

Another important question to ask is- how far along in the pregnancy should abortions be legal? I know in most states, it's not legal past about 3 months. I think that's fair. But after that, I don't think I can be very comfortable with it unless there are complications in pregnancy or during birth.

Also, if anyone can change my mind for one side or the other, feel free to do so. :p
RE: Abortion

I dont understand how it would be murder to decide to not have a baby that isn't even a human yet. It just doesn't make sense to me. If someone could enlighten me on that subject then that would be nice.
RE: Abortion

There are to be no off-color remarks about incest. For this thread to stay open, the discussion needs to be mature and appropriate.
RE: Abortion

Personally, the main reason I don't get the logic behind being pro-life is that most conservatives who back it say they are against health care reform, programs to help the poor, contraception, education funding, LGBT couples adopting, and so many other things that can make a big difference in the quality of a child's upbringing. So we should save all of the embryos and forget about them after they are born? I don't think America should be like that. Women should have a choice.