Help What Do People Mean When They Say Pokémon is Mapping Their Booster Boxes?


Aspiring Trainer
Something that causes people to get better cards just by looking at the packs or something?

Here's a video on it...

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Huh no responses?

Okay I looked at a Laughing Pikachu video on the subject. From what I gather (besides that the youtuber mentioned does not endorse this practice) is that the Pokemon company did two things with the Sun & Moon series packs.
  • They made a new code card design that is all green (seen in the left of the thumbnail in your video) and placed that in the packs that don't have holos (leaving the white and green ones in the packs that of have holos)
  • and they made it so that all the packs with holos have 2 non holo packs sandwiched between them.
What this means is that white and green codes on SuMo packs guarantees a holo while a normal green code guarantees the opposite. And that once you find the first holo/EX you can skip the next 2 packs and find another one, rinse and repeat until one side is clear (NOTE: Laughing Pikachu did find a dud pack even from there but that's an exception that proves the rule).

Not so much of an issue for big chain stores (or GameStops AFAIK) that do not use display boxes (instead preferring individually wrapped packs, promotional tins/boxes or repacked products), but the hobby stores, online sellers and the secondary market in general might make it an issue.

A related note is 3rd party repackaging companies like Fairfield, who buys stuff from stores, the secondary market and possibly directly form TPC themselves, repacks them and ships them off to stores. Such business might have either used this method to hoard the good pulls or unwittingly bought packs form those that did the same. But for not it doesn't seem like something to worry about since they still seem limited to pre-Sun and Moon packs (and Fairfield from what I gathered, seems to not care for what is in the packs in terms of rarity).