what are your favorite holos from the individual sets?

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Aspiring Trainer
I always thought the classic card look that ended with neo genesis was always great, so I'm a big fan of Gym Challenge/Heroes. Unseen Forces is a gorgeous set overall, but the holos always stood out to me. Call of Legends/HGSS sets all had gorgeous holos, my favorite being CoL.
The new sets I just base on EXs since the holos aren't that great in BW. Dragons Exalted and Plasma Freeze are fantastic sets for holos though, as well as EX. What are yours?
I really like a Holo Gallade that I opened from a Plasma Storm pack. The way that the light reflects off of the Gallade artwork really seems to catch the eye.
I always liked the Base Set Venusaur. There is some emotional context as this was the first card I EVER got, even before a theme deck from a holo. Plus its position makes it look strong and commanding, fitting for the very first ever final grass evolution (and starter to boot).

Others I can think of right off hand would be Neo Genesis Meganium (with the growth power) and Typhlosion that have the trees in the background.
Favorite threads are discouraged because of the limited discussion potential.
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