Vulpix Yolk said:Getting in a severe car crash after pulling a Luxray GL X (that happened to me, except it wasn't sever, I was lucky that time),the Safari Zone, as a Shiny hunter, I'm naturally terrified to go in there. Being buried alive, Brain cancer, and artificial sweeteners. These fears are legit, they may not be very normal, but they are the things I'm most afraid of in life.
HypnoticLuxray said:Disaster Movies
Bippa201 said:I had a dream last night about this robotic chicken dog thing that lived in manholes, and it really freaked me out. So yeah, I'm scared of it.
I saw that movie about the girl who's arm got bit off by a shark, and now I'm eternally afraid of sharks. But I'm landlocked, so its good.
I can't stand bugs, even though their harmless. Especially spiders, but I guess watching Arachnophobia does that to you.
I also have a giant fear of fire. Its so bad that I don't even go out to roast Marshmallows. :[
MrGatr said:Is everyone scared of spiders??
BrOkenICE said:I liek spiders. And snakes. And bats. Did you know that only 2 species of bats actually suck blood? So...yeah.
BrOkenICE said:What scared of bats or something? /glasses man
They don't suck human blood...if there are other options.
Anyway, I just now realized that I'm terrified of pointed objects that are upwards. It's unsafe.
catutie said:Lolwut?...I don't see why that would scare people...
Well enough of me making fun of other people irrational fears and time for me to make you laugh at my #1 fear...
Ladders O_O
MrGatr said:^Haunted houses, People on Pokebeach are to scared of the world.
I made a list
Haunted hallows
Being buried alive
And the thing that make me a wimp
People in white dresses, with white hair, and weddings... Don't ask.
MrGatr said:^Haunted houses, People on Pokebeach are to scared of the world.
I made a list
Haunted hallows
Being buried alive
And the thing that make me a wimp
People in white dresses, with white hair, and weddings... Don't ask.