Credit to BigfootAUS for the fantastic banner and credit to Athena for helping with balancing!
Cataclysmic events that shape the future of the world can have such a phenomenal effect that they split time itself, creating timelines that widely differ from each other. Harmonic Convergence is one of these. While you think you know the story of the events after Harmonic Convergence, such as the rise of the Red Lotus and the fall of the Earth Kingdom, a very different set of events occurred in one timeline, which threatens to destroy the concept of time itself.
In this separate timeline while the outcome of the great battle between UnaVaatu and Avatar Korra was the same, it created a tear in the fabric of space-time, leading to a vast amount of energy being released through a process known as Harmonic Divergence. This energy manifested itself in the form of past and future events taking place simultaneously, causing the Equalists to return and the members of the Red Lotus to be freed prematurely. The last three Avatars, Kyoshi, Roku and Aang have also returned to the world, and along with Avatar Korra, aim to eliminate the deep threats that both the Equalists and the Red Lotus pose to bring the world into balance and correct the timeline. The Avatars dare not reveal their true identities however, as they know that the Red Lotus are seeking them with an aim to kill. Other benders must also remain vigilant as the Equalists are intent on removing bending from the world.
Welcome to Werewolf XXVI: Harmonic Divergence!
I am your host in this Legend of Korra themed Werewolf game of 27 players! (formerly 30) To sign up just simply post in the thread.
In this game, the win-conditions are slightly different to normal, with the Red Lotus having the sole aim of killing all four Avatars, and the Equalists having the sole aim of there being more non-benders alive than benders. There may or may not be an independent faction.
Flavour Clarification (from post #16)
There are four Avatars in the game who are part of the town and have the same win-condition of the town. The town is comprised of 'good' characters that aren't necessarily guaranteed to be a bender. Each character in the game is either a non-bender or a bender. If they are a bender they will have at least one bending ability and possibly a non-bending ability. If they are a non-bender they will have at least one non-bending ability. The Equalists have the power to take someone's bending away. If that happens, the person they target will become a non-bender and will lose their bending ability. The Equalists win when there are more non-benders in the game than benders. The Red Lotus are the typical 'wolf' faction in the sense that they get a night kill. The Red Lotus have a different win condition to the typical 'wolf' however, as they win when all four Avatars have died. There may or may not be an independent faction.
The basic rules of Werewolf can be found here, but I’ll now list the specifics for my game:
- Day phases will usually last five days and night phases will last three days. This is subject to change at certain points.
- Votes and unvotes will only be accepted in the format of ##Verb: User and ##Unverb: User (preferably on their own line). Votes that are not bolded will not be counted and may end up with the voter receiving a warning for being misleading.
- There will be a vote count every 24 hours which will appear in the form of:
Ice Espeon - 4 (CPU 1, CPU 2, CPU 3)
Ice Espeon II – 3 (CPU A, CPU B, CPU C)
In this example, Ice Espeon has four votes while Ice Espeon II has three, despite the number of people voting for both being three. This is because vote weights are included in the vote count. The current lynch candidate is denoted by red text. Votes that have been cancelled will not appear in the vote count. - In the event of two or more players having the same amount of votes placed on them at the end of the day, random.org (or my amazing Casio fx-83GT PLUS calculator (;]) will be used to randomly select the person to die.
- Editing posts is forbidden and will result in a warning.
- You may like posts only when you are alive, and any un-liking of posts is not allowed.
- You may not speak about the game with any user/player outside the game thread (unless stated otherwise). This will result in a warning or modkill.
- The thread will be locked at night and after game freezes to prevent any accidental posting outside of the allowed times.
- Quoting of roles is permitted, but any screenshotting will result in an instant modkill.
- If you need to ask me a question, you can use ##Ice Espeon so that I can find it more easily.
- The rules are subject to change, but I will make a post declaring such change if there is one.
Sample role said:Ice Espeon - The "My Cabbages!" Guy - Cabbage Bender - Town
You appeared as a recurring character in the original Avatar series, but you haven't been brought back by Harmonic Divergence (Ice Espeon is just using you as an example for the thing he is writing (and he is becoming increasingly uncomfortable with this second/third person writing mash up so the flavour will end now)).
Bending Ability - My Cabbages!
You may use this ability once every night. You were often thwarted by Team Avatar rushing past and ruining your delicious cabbages, and coined the immortal phrase "My Cabbages!" as a result of your shocking loss time after time. This ability allows you to proclaim in the day update "My Cabbages!", after which a barrage of cabbages will prevent a random person from voting that day.
Non-Bending Ability - Cabbage Cart
You may use this ability once during the game in the day. The trusty companion to your cabbages has always been your cabbage cart. This ability allows you to roll your cabbage cart into a player, knocking them out for the rest of the day and preventing that player from posting.
Win Condition - All threats to the town are eliminated.
@DrohnIndependent - Died Day 2- @Scorched Feathers
@Squirtle SquadTown - Killed Night 3- @Vom
@Keeper of NightEqualist - Killed Night 5@bbninjasTown - Killed Night 4@Jeremy1026Town - Lynched Day 4@CamocloneTown - Lynched Day 1- @Celever
@BigfootAUSIndependent - Lynched Day 2- @TwistedTurtwig
@Lenny@TheGuy@Mr.MuffinTown - Lynched Day 3- @PMJ
- @Teal
- @Brave Vesperia
@Luispipe8Equalist - Died Day 5@DarkMatterGaming@WanderingWolf- @GM DracLord
- @Cinesra
- @rev3rsor
@grantm1999Town - Killed Night 1@Omega SoulTown - Modkilled Night 3@TCGDeoxys@Reinforce- @AlexanderTheAwesome
@Haunted Water@dracos the dragonmaster- @Machamp The Champion
Reserve Players:
(Click on a name to go to a profile)
Previous Updates:
Day 1
Night 1
Day 2
Night 2
Day 3
Night 3
Day 4
Sign-ups will end a week from now on the 15th of March.