Discuss! (Since I have a limited amount of time, here is my IM conversation with Vincent - these are raw translations and are a little messed up).
Meganium Lv.48
[G] Ultra Binder 20
Flip 3 coins,
If only 1 of them got heads, the defending pokemon is now poisoned.
If 2 of them got heads, the defending pokemon is now burned.
If all of them got heads, the defending poekmon is now paralyzed.
[GGC] KAJIBA tackle 60+
If you opponent have any fire pokemon in play, this attack does 30 more damage.
Retreat: CC
Weakness: R+30
Resistance: W-20
Typhlosion Lv.41
Once durign your turn, you may attach a [R] energy card from your discard pile to one of your benched pokemon. This power cant be used when this pokemon is affected by special condition.
[RRC] Evaporation 60
Discard a [W] energy attached to the defending pokeon.
Feraligatr Lv.53 HP130
[WW] Energy Cyclone 20x
Choose any number of energy from your hand. Show it to your opponent. This attack does 20 x number of that number of energy cards. Shuffle all of those energy cards back to your deck afterwards.
[WCC] Hyper Tail 60
Choose a card without looking from you opponent's hand, discard it.
Weakness L+30
Fossil Extracter (? specialist in that field) Supporter
From either your deck or discard pile,
search for a fossil trainer and its 2nd stage evolution poekmon card, show it to your oponent, and put it into your hand. Shuflle your deck if the process involve searching the deck.
Team Galaxy's Gamble - Supporter
You and your opponent shuffle all your/his/her hand back to the deck.
Then you play the Rock-Paper-Scissor game with your opponent,
the winner draw 6 cards, the loser draw 3 cards.
MIZUKI's searching - Supporter
Choose a card from your hand and put it into your deck,
then search for your deck a pokemon card, show it to your opponent and put it into your hand.
Shuffle your deck afterwards.
Lake Muscai - Stadium
All pokemon's weakness now become x2 instead of its own.
Fast Ball - Reprinted!!
Dark Ball
Look at your bottom 7 cards of your deck, choose 1 of the pokemon card htere, show it to your opponent and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
[21:21] Jon: I think you messed up Meganium and Typhlosion
[21:24] Vincent: Gyarados Lv49
body: Dragon DNA
This pokemon can use its pre-evo pokemon's attack (but you need to satisfy the attack cost and requirement as well). If you do, damage done to opponents active poekmon is +30
Flip coin until you get tails, discard number of cards from your opponent's hand equal to the number of heads. If you got flipped a tail at your first trial, gyarados is now confused.
Weakness L+30
Resistance F-20
Retreat CCC
[21:30] Vincent: KABURIASU (the new ground-dragon pokemon) 130HP
body: Rainbow Scale
If there are any energy attached to KABURIASU got the same type as your opponent's active pokemon's weakness, damage done to that pokemon is +40. This body stops working if there are any special eneergy attached to KABURIASU.
[CCC] Dragon Teeth 70
[21:38] Vincent: wooooooooops, that "fast ball" is not the reprinted version,
the new name should be "Quick Ball",
the effect of this card is nearly the same as fast ball but the only difference is you can any kind of pokemon out instead of just evo Pokémon.
Meganium Lv.48
[G] Ultra Binder 20
Flip 3 coins,
If only 1 of them got heads, the defending pokemon is now poisoned.
If 2 of them got heads, the defending pokemon is now burned.
If all of them got heads, the defending poekmon is now paralyzed.
[GGC] KAJIBA tackle 60+
If you opponent have any fire pokemon in play, this attack does 30 more damage.
Retreat: CC
Weakness: R+30
Resistance: W-20
Typhlosion Lv.41
Once durign your turn, you may attach a [R] energy card from your discard pile to one of your benched pokemon. This power cant be used when this pokemon is affected by special condition.
[RRC] Evaporation 60
Discard a [W] energy attached to the defending pokeon.
Feraligatr Lv.53 HP130
[WW] Energy Cyclone 20x
Choose any number of energy from your hand. Show it to your opponent. This attack does 20 x number of that number of energy cards. Shuffle all of those energy cards back to your deck afterwards.
[WCC] Hyper Tail 60
Choose a card without looking from you opponent's hand, discard it.
Weakness L+30
Fossil Extracter (? specialist in that field) Supporter
From either your deck or discard pile,
search for a fossil trainer and its 2nd stage evolution poekmon card, show it to your oponent, and put it into your hand. Shuflle your deck if the process involve searching the deck.
Team Galaxy's Gamble - Supporter
You and your opponent shuffle all your/his/her hand back to the deck.
Then you play the Rock-Paper-Scissor game with your opponent,
the winner draw 6 cards, the loser draw 3 cards.
MIZUKI's searching - Supporter
Choose a card from your hand and put it into your deck,
then search for your deck a pokemon card, show it to your opponent and put it into your hand.
Shuffle your deck afterwards.
Lake Muscai - Stadium
All pokemon's weakness now become x2 instead of its own.
Fast Ball - Reprinted!!
Dark Ball
Look at your bottom 7 cards of your deck, choose 1 of the pokemon card htere, show it to your opponent and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
[21:21] Jon: I think you messed up Meganium and Typhlosion
[21:24] Vincent: Gyarados Lv49
body: Dragon DNA
This pokemon can use its pre-evo pokemon's attack (but you need to satisfy the attack cost and requirement as well). If you do, damage done to opponents active poekmon is +30
Flip coin until you get tails, discard number of cards from your opponent's hand equal to the number of heads. If you got flipped a tail at your first trial, gyarados is now confused.
Weakness L+30
Resistance F-20
Retreat CCC
[21:30] Vincent: KABURIASU (the new ground-dragon pokemon) 130HP
body: Rainbow Scale
If there are any energy attached to KABURIASU got the same type as your opponent's active pokemon's weakness, damage done to that pokemon is +40. This body stops working if there are any special eneergy attached to KABURIASU.
[CCC] Dragon Teeth 70
[21:38] Vincent: wooooooooops, that "fast ball" is not the reprinted version,
the new name should be "Quick Ball",
the effect of this card is nearly the same as fast ball but the only difference is you can any kind of pokemon out instead of just evo Pokémon.