Upcoming League Promos Feature Reprinted Trainers With Alternate Art!

Pretty sick until you realize all of them are supposed to rotate this year and there's no sign of them being reprinted to retain legality so far

RIP Ultra Ball
These promos are great for kids and new players who are still trying to grasp game mechanics. We can now give them cards that actually help. And not stuff like Guzzlord.
The reprints look great.

Has ultra ball / enhanced hammer / max potion ever rotated out?? Seems like they have always been there since they were introduced.
Please don't rotate Ultra Ball
Pokemon Communication isn't good enough but I feel there's a reason they are started to print more Type-related search cards.
It will be strange to play without Ultra Ball (if not downright annoying at first) but we also have: Nest Ball, Pokecom, Net Ball, Treasure, and Electromagnetic Radar. (And fossils.) I guess TPC wants to change the game so that not literally every deck will have the same core cards. Could actually be interesting. Or maybe the meta will only consist of Pikarom, (Radar) Malamar decks (Treasure) and Buzz&Phero (Net Ball).

Field Blower is not that big of a deal since it hasn't been that popular for a while anyway. Loss of Max Potion, E. Hammer and Acerola could make stall and distruption even weaker. Then again, without Zoroark in the format I guess DCE will not be that popular anymore either.
I have no idea why people are saying UB is getting rotated when it is in the Japanese set, Full Metal Wall which is are unbroken bonds set
Yeah losing UB is going to be weird but there is enough search available to lighten the blow. Way too early to be discussing things but DCE could very well rotate too.
I hope these promos aren't expensive. I can't attend leagues. I don't have the means to get to them and I don't think I could even make a deck with what I have (Being that my collection consists of mostly BW/XY and other older eras). But now that there's ACTUAL league promos with unique art it's going to be even harder to complete master sets. So I really hope they're not hard to get.
Pretty sick until you realize all of them are supposed to rotate this year and there's no sign of them being reprinted to retain legality so far

RIP Ultra Ball
These promos are of the reprints. We will be receiving these in holo form in future sets.
Everyone, none of these cards will be rotated because these arts are from the TR cards that’s in our 2019 sets.
I hope these promos aren't expensive. I can't attend leagues. I don't have the means to get to them and I don't think I could even make a deck with what I have (Being that my collection consists of mostly BW/XY and other older eras). But now that there's ACTUAL league promos with unique art it's going to be even harder to complete master sets. So I really hope they're not hard to get.
The League rewards will probably be just a bit more expensive than their original prints but not by much due to how widespread and how accessable they'll be. The League Cup cards and League Challenge prizes are going to be more expensive (wih League Challenge prizes being more so due to each LC giving out twelve of 'em, One placement card prize for Top 4 of each division) but I don't expect them to be as expensive as the Cynthia TPCi gave out at Regionals.
Everyone, none of these cards will be rotated because these arts are from the TR cards that’s in our 2019 sets.
If that were the case we would've seen the TR Field Blower (along with the TR prints of Volkner, Choice Band, and Aqua Patch) in Team Up.