I've had a few favorite cards in my binder that I felt could be competitive but always seemed to be missing something. Those cards were Lurantis-GX, Lurantis Promo, and Salazzle-GX. Once unit energy arrived I knew their day had finally come! I combined all these cards together into an unholy matrimony to become a new style of cross-typing deck.
The allure of this deck is the low energy requirement and speed. Lurantis-GX's one energy flower supply can do decent damage while fully powering up a Salazzle-GX, itself, or both! Flower supply is an underrated attack because players often associate it with grass energy, the fact is it can accelerate ANY basic energy, you just need a single grass energy to activate it. This is where GRW Unit energy comes in. The idea is to use unit energy on Lurantis-GX and accelerate Basic Fire energy onto Salazzle-GX. The Unit energy can also be used by Salazzle-GX and Alolan Ninetales-GX.
Using 2x Lurantis promos on the bench can allow Lurantis-GX and Salazzle-GX to hit the numbers to take care of most basic pokemon; GX or otherwise. Tapu-lele GX is a great target.
A unlikely strategy that I commonly use with this deck is purposefully retreating Salazzle-GX (remove 2 fire energy) for Lurantis-GX and then hitting some decent damage numbers while fully powering Salazzle-GX back up.
Once you hit the 3 prize mark this deck is unstoppable!
Salazzle's Diabolical claws attack + Lurantis Promos + Choice band can clean up the rest of the game for you.
The List-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##Pokémon - 19
* 3 Salandit UPR 25_____________(Backup Attacker)
* 3 Salazzle-GX BUS 132_________(Main Attacker/Energy disruption GX attack)
* 4 Fomantis SUM 14____________(Energy acceleration)
* 3 Lurantis PR-SM SM25________(Damage support/Backup Attacker)
* 2 Lurantis-GX SUM 138_________(Attacker/Energy acceleration/GX attack)
* 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 60__________(Backup Attacker/Draw support)
* 1 Alolan Vulpix GRI 21__________(Evolution support)
* 1 Alolan Ninetales-GX GRI 22___(Snipe damage/GX attack)
##Trainer Cards - 28
* 1 Rescue Stretcher GRI 130_____(Pokemon Setup)
* 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107__(Main draw support)
* 2 Scorched Earth PRC 138_______(Draw support/energy discard)
* 1 Evosoda XY 116_______________(Pokemon Setup)
* 3 Cynthia UPR 119_____________(Draw Support)
* 1 Field Blower GRI 125_________(Disruption)
* 4 Guzma BUS 115______________(Disruption)
* 2 Brigette BKT 161_____________(Pokemon Setup)
* 4 Ultra Ball SUM 135___________(Pokemon setup/energy discard)
* 2 N FCO 105___________________(Draw Support)
* 3 Choice Band GRI 121_________(Damage Support)
* 1 Enhanced Hammer PHF 94___(Disruption)
##Energy - 13
* 3 Grass Energy 1
* 7 Fire Energy 2
* 3 Unit Energy {G}{R}{W} UPR 170
*EDIT: Please check out the optimized list later on in this thread
Basic Pokemon setup: 2 x Brigette, 2 x Tapu Lele-GX, 4 x Ultraball, 1 x Rescue Stretcher
Stage 1 evoltuion: 1 x Alolan Vulpix, 1 x Evosoda, 1 x Rescue Stretcher, 4 x Ultraball, 4 x Professor Sycamore
Draw Support: 2 x Scorched Earth, 4 x Professor Sycamore, 3 x Cynthia, 2 x N, 2 x Tapu Lele-GX
Energy discard: 2 x Scorched Earth, 4 x Ultraball, 4 x Professor Sycamore
Energy acceleration: Use Lurantis-GX's flower supply attack or Fomantis's Synthesis attack
Main Attackers: 3 x Salazzle-GX, 2 x Lurantis-GX
Backup Attackers: 1 x Alolan Nintales-GX, 3 x Lurantis Promo, 3 x Salandit (Ultra Prism)
Damage Support (aka Hit the numbers): 3 x Lurantis promo, 3 x Choice Band
Disruption: 1 x Enhanced Hammer, 4 x Guzma, 1 x Field Blower
Potential Techs----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Volcanion - Non-EX (Hoopa Counter/Energy acceleration)
Mew-EX - (Psychic weak counter)
Mewtwo - Evolutions (Psychic weak/Hoopa counter)
Salazzle - Non-GX - Guardians Rising (Hoopa counter/Damage acceleration - Hot poison)
Tapu-Koko promo - (Snipe and Guzma synergy for free retreat)
Oranguru - Ultraprism (Anti-mill/Hoopa Counter)
Oranguru - Sun & Moon (Draw support/Hoopa Counter)
Turtonator-GX - (Anti-Mill/Energy Acceleration/Backup attacker)
Alolan Ninetales - Non-GX - (GX/Hoopa counter)
Favorable Matchups:
BuzzRoc, ZoroRoc, Zoropod, Duskvally, DuskZone, Greninja, Xerneas Break, LucarioRoc, Solgaleo, Metagross, Golisigarb, ZoroDecidueye, LeafeonDecidueye
50/50 (Setup dependent):
Garde, Ho-oh-Kiawe, ZoroGarde, EspeonGarb, Vikabulu, ZoroLucario, BuzzGarb
Unfavorable Matchups:
Quad Hoopa, Sylveon Mill, Mill decks in general, Volcanion, Empoleon, ZoroGlaceon
- Fire Types
- Water Types
- Hoopa - Shining Legends
- Mill Decks
- Acerola
- Early Game knock-outs
Input Needed------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I feel like this deck's energy count, draw support, evolution, damage support, and energy acceleration strategies are all on point but the tech selection isn't perfect.
Volcanion-EX decks are an autoloss for this deck due to the Dual-typing hitting for weakness on both our main attackers, what strategy could we use to defeat Volcanion? Energy denial sometimes works (Salazzle's GX attack and leave scorched earth in play).
This deck struggles with Hoopa what would be the best strategy/tech to counter Hoopa? Volcanion (non-EX), Lurantis Promo, or Oranguru maybe?
Since this deck runs hot and fast with a lot of discarding what strategy could be used to keep from decking out against Mill decks? The only thing I can think of is Oranguru's Resource Management attack or more Cynthia and less Sycamore.
P.S. Stole this post's format from @FrostBiter12 since it looked so clean
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