Fortunately there can't be any Dark Type Larvitar or Pupitar.It may not perform well in standard but I feel the power for GLC. Card probably breaks dark
Fortunately there can't be any Dark Type Larvitar or Pupitar.It may not perform well in standard but I feel the power for GLC. Card probably breaks dark
nah this card will be good. It's got a good usable attack doing decent damage and provides disruption and only 2 energies are needed. To get around it, you need to be using boss's orders which means you're not using a draw supporter. It also makes setting up a 2nd attacker very hard because now you also can't ultra ball or nest ball.I rather run Budew, man. If I need a single-prized Item Lock, I would keep Budew. This being Stage 2, makes it not a valid candidate as a Trevenant comeback smth. The ability is basically XY Trevenant
what a dumb formatFortunately there can't be any Dark Type Larvitar or Pupitar.
That's a Stage 2 man. Although neat but I need a BasicWhat about pairing this with a hit and run like Flygon?
damn you're right i keep forgetting that. they need to fix thatFortunately there can't be any Dark Type Larvitar or Pupitar.