Finished Twelve Days of YPPY! Introduction and Archive [2015]

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^ Is right.
< Is spending the holidays in Canada, again. :p
v Is no one because < locked the thread!

Aaaaaand that's it for the ^<v game! Next game will be up soon. :)
On the eleventh day of YPPY my true love gave to me:
Eleven Swirlix Finishing
Ten Left/Right Pidove
Nine Cleffa Judging
Eight Spheal Wish-Crushing
Seven Swanna a-Writing
Six Skrelp Appealing
Four Honedge Renaming
Three Pokedexs
Two Listing Pidoves
and Bad Jokes in a Lum Tree

Welcome to the eleventh (almost there! :D) game of the Twelve Days of YPPY, an event that is running up until Christmas Eve. You can find more information about it here. Today, we're bringing back a classic, Finish the Above Poster's Sentences (with a little Christmas-y touch), first brought on the forums by @Keeper of Night.

Like past games of the Twelve Days of YPPY, this game also uses the YPPY rule, meaning that you have to wait for two people to post before you can post again.

In this game, you'll have to do exactly what the title says: finish the above poster's sentence. You should try to give them some relation to the holidays, but...

Celever said:
anything will do...
bbninjas said: long as it's appropriate. :)
Alright, my turn: I'm not a better ninja than Vom because...

You simply have to write the beginning of a sentence (like I did above) and the next member has to finish it and write a beginning of sentence of their own.

Let's start: I love eating raw fish soaked in chocolate because...
...there will be gold and jewels and safety at the bottom. Also lots of mattresses that are soft and life-saving. Reinforce said.

You totally get that reference, because everyone-
...loves Reinforce.

Nobody knows what poutine is (without googling it) because...'ve been taken hostage by the Pichupocalypse.

The Pichupocalypse took Reggie hostage because...
...They wanted Reggie to make another Pichu card because they liked his last ones so much.

If you roll my D20, you will...
...very most likely go insane through the trauma of getting '3's.

If you cooked honey-fried chicken in a magical oven, they will...
...transform into a ninja chicken and whatnot.

Christmas is great because... don't live in the best country (i.e. Australia) which has a Christmas break that starts at the end of November. :>

Arrows are the best-
...because they're made in the best country (i.e. Canada) where everyone is nice and awesome. :D

This game...
...whatever the store is called where you get real maple syrup on trout.

Once upon a time, in the merry land of Iskatravar, there was a- who saw what you did there.

Trouts in maple syrup are awesome because...
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