2-Lucario EX
1-Lugia EX
2-Shaymin EX
2-Fighting Stadium
2-Muscle Band
2 focus sash
2-Float Stone
4-Ultra Ball
4-VS Seeker
3-Trainer Mail
4-Max Elixir
2-Super Rod
4-Professor Sycamore
1-Hex Maniac
2 Lysandre
2-Double Colorless Energy
4-Strong Energy
7-Fighting energy
The main way the deck is desired to work is to power up Lucario EX with max elixir to hit for stupid amounts of damage turn one. The Zoroark is here to act as a switch and as a back up attacker in fact in some matches Zoroark does more work than Lucario EX. Hawlucha from my testing has not been doing to much work and is mostly in here for the free retreat and being a good starter. Lugia EX is in the deck because it loves energy acceleration and is one of the decks easier ways of one shoting 170 hp pokemon EX with deep hurricane. While the DCE might seem like a odd choice they allow Zoroark and lugia EX to attack out of no where and has been clutch in some matches.
Edit: Fixed formatting and updated deck list
Link to deck Image http://imgur.com/gallery/NA82Hpm/new
2-Lucario EX
1-Lugia EX
2-Shaymin EX
2-Fighting Stadium
2-Muscle Band
2 focus sash
2-Float Stone
4-Ultra Ball
4-VS Seeker
3-Trainer Mail
4-Max Elixir
2-Super Rod
4-Professor Sycamore
1-Hex Maniac
2 Lysandre
2-Double Colorless Energy
4-Strong Energy
7-Fighting energy
The main way the deck is desired to work is to power up Lucario EX with max elixir to hit for stupid amounts of damage turn one. The Zoroark is here to act as a switch and as a back up attacker in fact in some matches Zoroark does more work than Lucario EX. Hawlucha from my testing has not been doing to much work and is mostly in here for the free retreat and being a good starter. Lugia EX is in the deck because it loves energy acceleration and is one of the decks easier ways of one shoting 170 hp pokemon EX with deep hurricane. While the DCE might seem like a odd choice they allow Zoroark and lugia EX to attack out of no where and has been clutch in some matches.
Edit: Fixed formatting and updated deck list
Link to deck Image http://imgur.com/gallery/NA82Hpm/new
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