Discussion Thoughts on Tag Teams


Aspiring Trainer
Before Tag Teams came out I was dead set against them. I've learned to build decks with them, and heaven forbid even enjoy some of them. Personally, I am still on the fence for how they impact the game. What are your thoughts on the new mechanic? What cards do you think enhance the quality of the game, and which cards do you think take away?

For me, I truly despise Celebi & Venusaur. I find it has the HP to be difficult to get around. I believe the GX attack is far too powerful, not only can it one hit many GX's, it also heals itself, and shuffles your discard pile into your deck. Having such an enormous HP it already makes it a slog to take it out, but with it's GX attack it makes it near impossible for some decks. I've been playing with the Shaymin/Celebi Venusaur deck, and have won countless games having only one card in play (Celebi & Venusaur). It's outrageous that one card can steamroll with such ease. I wish they made it's HP closer to Pikachu & Zekrom, or significantly reduced its GX attack.

I enjoy Pikachu & Zekrom, and find it somewhat balanced, but wish it only attached 2 energy per attack instead of three.

I am interested in others thoughts!!!