General The Totally Random Interesting Facts Thread

Also I would like to say that SOME blog posts are actually pretty informative and sometimes funny, but there are so many that are just attempts and RL fan fic that you should still avoid them as a whole as the risk of falling for BS is higher than the chance that you'll find actually good and fact checked stuff.
Guys, this is a fact forum not a cracked forum, so let's just post (hopefully) facts from here-on out.

Facts from my part:
- Female California condors produce a single blue-white egg every couple of years which is laid in a hole in a tree, or on a cliff or cave floor, however if the first egg is lost, the bird may produce another, and the egg and chick is looked after by both parents.
- In early times, a common reason for the use of pillows was to lessen or prevent insects disturbing or entering the body via the head while sleeping.
- In July 1966, Brenda Sherratt crossed the full length of Loch Ness by swimming, and was the first to do so, accomplishing the feat at age 18.
- Snakes and Ladders is derived from an Ancient Indian Hindu game that was possibly played as early as the 100s BC, where the game was used to illustrate the good and bad deeds of life, and was called ‘Moksha Patamu’ or similar.
- Snakes and Ladders generally features an equal or greater number of ladders than snakes, compared to the Indian game which had more snakes than ladders.
Guys, this is a fact forum not a cracked forum, so let's just post (hopefully) facts from here-on out.

Facts from my part:
- Female California condors produce a single blue-white egg every couple of years which is laid in a hole in a tree, or on a cliff or cave floor, however if the first egg is lost, the bird may produce another, and the egg and chick is looked after by both parents.
- In early times, a common reason for the use of pillows was to lessen or prevent insects disturbing or entering the body via the head while sleeping.
- In July 1966, Brenda Sherratt crossed the full length of Loch Ness by swimming, and was the first to do so, accomplishing the feat at age 18.
- Snakes and Ladders is derived from an Ancient Indian Hindu game that was possibly played as early as the 100s BC, where the game was used to illustrate the good and bad deeds of life, and was called ‘Moksha Patamu’ or similar.
- Snakes and Ladders generally features an equal or greater number of ladders than snakes, compared to the Indian game which had more snakes than ladders.
Fact I learned from about Snakes and Ladders, it was actually meant to represent the stages of reincarnation of Hinduism, where they believed (I think) that you had to be reborn a certain amount of times and come out good each time to reach what is basically super Heaven, and the higher you got in the game the higher you got in the cycles of reincarnation. BTW why can't we post awesome facts from if THEY ARE FACTS AND HAVE BEEN FACT CHECKED?
Fact I learned from about Snakes and Ladders, it was actually meant to represent the stages of reincarnation of Hinduism, where they believed (I think) that you had to be reborn a certain amount of times and come out good each time to reach what is basically super Heaven, and the higher you got in the game the higher you got in the cycles of reincarnation. BTW why can't we post awesome facts from if THEY ARE FACTS AND HAVE BEEN FACT CHECKED?
I think you should be free to post facts from, however I think people should make their own opinions on each fact posted in the regards of whether they are accurate or not. I don't agree with smokey, but I do agree with snakes and ladders, as I've done research myself on the subject that supports versions such as that you described.
I think I should make this a clear case for the amazing stuff about the world I've learned from and mental floss:
1 I've learned that nearly every movie that's "takes place" in any time period from 1200-1890 is basically fanfic off of badly written fanfic.
2 I've learned that slug or snail (I can never remember) slime is actually amazing for treating sore throats (this may have been from mental floss), which the French have known for YEARS, however because Americans are squeamish about even knowing that the water they just drank out of the tap could have basically come from filtered crapless sewage water (I didn't even mean for that to be a pun), they would never think of trying it.
3 I've learned that every Jurassic Park movie is basically stupid fanfic movies made with cartoon drawings of dinosaurs made from 3 yr olds that are stupid, (I'm not saying that all 3 year olds are stupid, in this case I only meant to reference the stupid kids that are 3 year olds), minus any accuracy. DINOSAURS HAD FEATHERS ON THEM, DEAL WITH IT HOLLYWOOD!
4 The dinosaurs they showed in Jurassic Park are basically hand picked to be the smallest and least threatening dinosaurs that you would only tell about to negatively stereo typed little kids to scare them with something that is not another moth. The dinosaurs shown in JP (Jurassic park) really are for losers, because the real world of paleontology has discovered things like this BA*****. scary ass dinosaur buck teeth 2.jpg It ate what was basically Kraken with hard as hell armored shells with a force so hard that if your hand were to be cut off by that thing from Hell YOUR ARM WOULD BREAK. Oh and it did this after vacuuming in water via opening its mouth so fast that it sucked in whatever was in front of it IN THE WATER.
5 brushing your teeth after eating grinds the acid from that food into your teeth thus making them rot quicker, yet brushing before hand is much better to do.
Who would like to hear some funny animal group facts?

1. A murder of crows
2. A parliament of owls
3. A cauldron of bats
4. A business of ferrets
5. A pandemonium of parrots
6. A building of rooks
7. A unkindness of ravens
8.A quiver of cobras
9. A bloom of jellyfish
10. A hood of snails.

Some interesting groups we have there..

Oh and for you cat lovers.. a clowder of cats. :p
If cracked.xom is not to be trusted as it's a humor site then was john stewart never to be trusted on anything he said because he ran a comedy show?
Next time someone brings up the Cracked topic into the Thread, a warning will be issued.

Now, facts to stay on topic:

-Chemists and Chemical Engineers, surprisingly often don't get along. However, more recently, students have started to take on both careers side by side (myself being an example).
-Acid and Basic compounds technically don't exist. Taking Hydrochloric Acid as an example, when mixed in water, is just a mixture of Chlorine and Hydrogen ions (Cl- and H+) in water.
-A clock will never show 24:00. If it does... run. Fast.
Can you explain why I should run if a clock shows 24:00? Does that mean it will explode or something?

Now let me disprove some common missconceptions that were propogated by people not fact checking what they were looking at.
You remember when there was that thing of something like "due to Japan's Minecraft craze dog owners are now shaving their dogs to have their fur look like cubes etc!"? Yeah that was TOTAL BS, it was actually some kind of sculpting contest with people using foam and wool or something and it never had anything to do with real dogs. This is also more obvious when you notice that all the dogs in the pictures were all on the exact same kinds of podiuma.
Ombamacare is not causing the universe to explode and crash the money government or some crap. It has provided cheap health care to millions of people and people who previously could not afford it. It has done NOTHING to hurt the economy etc and is quite stable financially.
"With Obama the government is generating more debt then ever before and has caused everything to go to debt with china or some crap" false the deficit has actually never been cliser to being eliminated completely since we started accruing debt as a nation and is excepted to be gone by the end of the Obama administration.

Now interesting facts that are kind of disturbing..
Which will be in the next post at my ipod is tired right now.
Oscar myer is releasing a dating app that pairs people based on their love of bacon, THIS IS HOW YOU FIND THE PERSON YOU MARRY, PEOPLE, unless you know, they eat puppies or something.

For the love of glob never dissrespect a janitor or sanitation worker, they've seen horrors you would not believe, such as *WARNING EXTREMELY GROSS STUFF INCOMING* exploded colonoscopy bags in bathroom stalls that end up going into other stalls. *if you'll excuse me I'll be throwing up my EVERYTHING now*

There is a split in a river that goes into one of the great lakes known as "the devil's kettle" no scientific equipment that has gone down it has ever sent back a signal"

There is a large valley area somewhere, I can't remember, that is basically a giant multi mile wide area of purely jagged frocks sharpened by the child of a chainsaw and an aegislash, the leader of one of the last expeditionary groups that went in there ended up with a siz inch gash on his leg because he fell forward onto the floor of it something. Every time scientist go into the area at least 15 new species of something are discovered.

There is proof that the author of the pledge of alligiance was a s bad kind of socialist along with the fact that he was also trying to make a LOT of money off of selling American flags to schools. I can send you the link to this if you want me to because I know how iluminati conspiracy theroust this sounds. The thing was though that he was really open about being socialist and his name is in the author section of where the origin for the plege of alligiance originated from: a super old magizine that was super popular back in old timey 1920 days.
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Scientists have only recently (last year or two) figured bicycles can stand up on their own.

Warning, the following may make you lose faith in everything cute.

Sea turtles are the Sarlacc pits of the ocean, their mouths and throats are coated in countless spiky teeth facing in the direction that food comes from, thus shearing every thing it consumes into tiny pieces. Their main diet is jellyfish, and they have to consume a LOT of them for a day's nutrients as jellyfish are basically 99.9% water and/or some water based gel substance, and water and the remaining .1% is some basic amount of nutrients. If you want to see proof that sea turtles are like Sarlacc pits google "sea turtle mouth" and then change your pants because it is pretty scary.

Penguins are also like Sarlacc pits, they're basically like sea turtles except the spikes are MUCH closer together and they have them in their cheeks, tongue, and pretty much everywhere from their beaks to their stomachs. This is why fish REALLY don't want to be eaten by penguins as its pretty much like sliding down the wrong side of a chainsaw made of calcium.

The seemingly innocent Shrike (it looks like a gray sparrow) attracts a mate by impaling as many of its victims (fully grown frogs, other, smaller birds, mice) via throwing them into/through sharp branches and thorns. They are then left like that until a mate comes to chose the male with the best looking den of murder and horror movies with all of your favorite woodland creatures as the victims.

While I cannot and don't encourage animal violence, I at least will say this, next time you are hunting and see a pelican, make them your next meal if it's legal in your area.....They are the REAL Sarlacc pits of the bird world, with all the fun of a bath in acid until you dissolve! : D *SUPER BIG WARNING ON THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES* Pelicans are what happens when a Sarlacc meets a Shrike, they chose the fluffiest and cutest things you could imagine, such as but not limited to baby penguins, gophers, squirrels, smaller birds, the souls of dead, orphaned kittens and puppies, and then they eat them whole where they then dissolve in acid for a minimum of 20 minutes of agony as stomach acid seems into every pore and cut that they might have UNTIL THEY DIE. I never hunt etc, or even own a fire arm, but given the chance I would at least flip off a stork if I ever saw one....then tell someone that I need to have it cooked by dinner and they'll get paid $50 if they can do it.
Last big post of useless yet fascinating information for a while. And I DO know how crazy these seem, yet they have plenty of scientific evidence behind them:

The "olive oil" you buy at the grocery store is not in fact olive oil, real olive oil stays in Italy as the mafia controls the olive oil distribution. The stuff you buy at the store is actually some form of Kanola, corn or other such common oil made in the US. Professional oil tasters even complain about how the REAL olive oil "tastes weird" when they visit Italy. Seriously this is interesting I want people to google it.

The mafia also controls the sand market, in a South American country/area that I cannot remember for the life of me. This might sound like something that's really stupid to control, but remember this, NJ alone spends billions of dollars each year just to keep its beaches filled with sand and combat erosion of the beach. Now imagine sucking all the sand off of one super beach and then selling all of that sand for ONE BAJILLION DOLLARS to everyone that wants a pretty beach.
How about some interesting facts hmm?

Firefighters used Dalmatians because they were very compatible with horses. This meant the dogs were easily trained to run in front of a carriage to clear a path for the horses to get to the fires.

Lettuce is the only vegetable that is not frozen, canned , processed, or cooked, and is only sold fresh.

A pound of quarters and a pound of dimes both equal the same amount which is $20 USD.
There is going to be a red moon this Sunday night, it is caused by the perfect alignment of the sun and the moon, also the moon is supposed to look pretty big as well.
Camels have 2 eyelids. Also, anyone remember me from a few years ago? :p I used to be on here a ton, getting nostalgia going back and looking at all my old posts lol.
I am a meteorologist!
Fun fact, there is no legal definition of a meteorologist so literally anyone can call themselves a meteorologist.
In what sense may I ask? I'm rather curious on this.
I honestly don't remember, but until the law catches up with it or there's a case that gives it a legal definition the best way to tell the difference between some random idiot in a suit saying they're a meteorologist is to look them up in some official meteorologist orginization or something. This came from a reader's digest I read about 2-3 years ago so that's why I can't remember the exact details.