The TCG has gone anti Poke-Power crazy!

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He says newbies usually don'y know about Bill, Elm, Oak, Comp. Search, Town Volunteers e.t.c and only find out when the more experianced players show it to them.

I guess xashx also means that the/one of the reasons that we have a modified format is beacuse all the newbies will use newer cards, only to enter the tournies and get slaughtered by some Champions Slowking+Sneasel deck.
RE:  The TCG has gone anti Poke-Power crazy!

pke breader said:
I think tath a lot of people abuse of the use of the bsl deck
here in monterrey mexico if U go to a tourament. at lest U will find 4 or 5
persons with that deck and for that pokemon see that cards just like pidgeot and macargo ruin  this game because if U have one in play is the most prabable that U will be win the duel

Wooow! Alguien de México!! Que deck usas tu??

No, espera... mejor en otro lugar >_>... eso sería SPAM..

Respecting the topic... well... the game is great because of that "luck" it involves... that's why I want to play again after I lose or win, it's fun to see how everything goes out..
Also, I don't think Magic neither has the option of "searching for what you want", nor Yu-gi-oh.. (I know nothing of YGO)

But to counter that, maybe someone could put.. say... magcargo DX, and then the Holon Stadium that lets you discard and draw a card, and put stadiums that not affect him or cradily with Reacts for that Shiftry..

Part of the reason why people feel the need to play Pidgeot and Magcargo is because unlike Magic and games like it, all you need to do in those games is pay the energy/mana cost and play your strongest card. In pokemon however, you need 1 or 2 other cards in order to even be able to play your best card, and THEN you need the right energy and good amount on top of that.

The reason why magic doesn't need a large amount of draw is BECAUSE you only need to pay the cost to get a card out. In pokemon its based mostly on evolution cards as most of the basic pokemon either depend on other cards to set up (Zapdos) or are totally rubbish.
This topic should have been dead a long time ago. Rickraptor77, please do not reply to topics where the most recent post is 2 weeks old or older. This topic should have been dead a long time ago.

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