The official Forum speak library!

Edward Elric

Rate my Rain Dance team Peepz!
Well, as a lot of you may know, the way speak in the forums is quite fast.
Normal three words can be written as three letters now.
Only problem: not everyone knows all forum speak.
I was one of them, in fact, until the other day, I didn't know what BTW was! (I know maybe there are smarter people out there, but some are hard!)

So, On to the list!

(note: these are the ones I remember ATM. please tell me some more) (other note: I got most of theese from a site. I took out the ones we don't use)


24/7 - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

AAMOF - As A Matter Of Fact
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AFAIU - As Far As I Understand
AKA - Also Known As
ANY1 - Anyone
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
ATM- at the moment


B4 - Before
BBL - Be Back Later
BBS - Be Back Soon
BION - Believe It Or Not

BOL - Best Of Luck

BRB - Be Right Back

BTW - By The Way

BWL - Bursting With Laughter
BR- Battle road


C&P - Copy & Paste
CIO - Crying It Out
CML-check my list
DK - Don't Know
CC- city championships

EOD - End Of Discussion


FAQ - Frequently Asked Question(s)
FYI - For Your Information


GTG - Got To Go

H: none


IMHO - In My Honest Opinion

IMO - In My Opinion

IOU - I Owe You
IDK-I don't know


JK - Just Kidding
J/K - Just Kidding
JMHO - Just My Humble Opinion
JMO - Just My Opinion
JSYK - Just So You Know


KWIM - Know What I Mean


L8R - Later

LMK - Let Me Know
LOBO - Laughing Our butts Off
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
LTM - Laughing To Myself
LTNS - Long Time No See


MOF - Matter Of Fact


NP - No Problem
Nats- nationals

OTOH - On The Other Hand

OW - Oh Well


PDQ - Pretty Darn Quick

PLS - Please

POV - Point Of View
PRE- prerelease
QT - Cutie
QFT-Quoting for the truth (not sure, will update when sure)

ROFL - Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROFLMHO - Rolling On Floor Laughing My Head Off
ROFLOL - Rolling On the Floor Laughing Out Loud
ROTFLSHISMC - Rolling On The Floor Laughing So Hard I Spilt My Coffee
ROFLWTPBDP- Rolling On The Floor Laughing while the pizza boy delivers pizza


SPAM - not something you want to do

SRY - Sorry


TAF - That's All Folks
TAFN - That's All For Now
THX - Thanks
TY - Thank You
TYVM - Thank You Very Much

w/e- Whatever


YKWIM - You Know What I Mean

YT - Yours Truly

There it is! feel free to tell me more!
This is a cool thread. We defenitely needed to have one of these; so many people were asking a lot of these terms. :)

At the moment, I can't think of anymore. Wait a minute, I just thought of one and I just said it.

ATM = at the moment

I've heard people say it. :p
And also, some people say GTG (Got to go) like G2G (Got 2 Go). Just another suggestion.
Don't forget these:

CC-city championship
BR-battle road

EDIT: tourney-tournament
IMHO = In my HONEST Opinion

I've never seen humble used, to be quite honest.

-Black Rayquaza
I believe that it is only right to just type out the whole sentence rather than using short forms and such. Yes, they may be quicker, but doesn't that mean that everyone has to read this thread in order to understand what another person is saying?

Moreover, by typing out the whole sentence, you will be able to reduce the posts which would go:-

Whoever said:
'What does [insert short form here] mean?'

And as we all know, that is semi-spam. Although I have no say in this, I just recommend that you type out the whole sentence, instead of short forms.
^^you are both right, but It seems as if not many people think the same way.
This is merely to help delete those SPAM posts, AEX, but I in no way am trying to enforce it. Okay, so maybe I use it a bit, but your right, it would be easier to write ou the word
Well then, may someone explain to me what QFT is?

Because I have no clue.
Zyflair said:
Well then, may someone explain to me what QFT is?

Because I have no clue.

QFT is 'Quoted For Truth'. This phrase is to show that a certain sentence/fact said or mentioned by another person is the truth. For example:-

Someone said:
Person A: Aerodactyl should have Choice Band when going Offensive.
Person B: QFT

It is to show that what another person is saying, is based on his/her opinion, is correct, just to remind and make things short.

Edward Elric said:
^^you are both right, but It seems as if not many people think the same way.
This is merely to help delete those SPAM posts, AEX, but I in no way am trying to enforce it. Okay, so maybe I use it a bit, but your right, it would be easier to write ou the word

Delete Spam Posts? Isn't that the Moderators job?