The Most Common Mistakes in Competitive Pokemon and How to Avoid Them


Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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Strap in, folks — it’s time for some tough love from yours truly. After seeing Charlie Lockyer’s recent article, I was inspired to put together something a little different for this one. You’re used to the usual deck profile, and trust me, we’ll get some more of those soon enough. With this Paradox Rift format dragging on for what seems like an eternity, it has left me lots of time to think about why my results have been lackluster this season. I love blaming bad luck whenever I get the chance, and I’m not the only one. This game undeniably has a ridiculous amount of variance. However, it has a similarly insanely high skill ceiling. In other words, there are a lot of factors that go into a game of Pokemon, and there are many things that don’t even cross the average player’s mind. There’s always more to learn.
There are several different directions I could go from...

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Bro, this article was incredibly satisfying to read because some things I already incorporate and others I forgot how important they are to do. Thanks for another good one Grant.