Ruling The Lost Zone(s)

Lord Goomy

Got Goomies?
I can't help but notice that the <> cards say "in the Lost Zone." However, I saw otherwise in @Rooie's Unconventional Fakes thread that his Sableye GX mentioned two Lost Zones; not to say Rooie's wrong, not at all, but rather to ask if I'm wrong.
So, are there two Lost Zones, or one?
The lost zone is an area where cards are totally removed from active play where nothing can be recovered by the action of a card. Each player would have their own 'lost zone' for their own cards just like they each have a discard pile. This is a fake card though! Best to never presume that anything on a fake card is ever on the up-and-up. Wow, I just ruled on a fake card.
That's actually a pretty good point. I suppose there's Lost World which does say that each player has their own (section of the) Lost Zone.
There is one lost zone made up of two piles total - one for each player - to not confuse one's cards with another's I think. I wish I could just "@" everyone so that people would stop making threads about this :U
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Each player would have their own 'lost zone' for their own cards just like they each have a discard pile.
There is one lost zone made up of two piles total - one for each player
each player has their own (section of the) Lost Zone.

Rules team returns when?
Are there even boards to go where you can get responses this quickly with such good input? OtherPokemonBoard, OP Forums, discord, and facebook don't count for unique reasons.

The PTCGO only has one pile for Lost Zone cards which both players share, which makes it even more confusing. What if a card was introduced in the future that allowed you to return your Lost Zone'd cards to your hand or deck? How would the game be updated to accommodate that?
The PTCGO only has one pile for Lost Zone cards which both players share, which makes it even more confusing. What if a card was introduced in the future that allowed you to return your Lost Zone'd cards to your hand or deck? How would the game be updated to accommodate that?

The entire point of the Lost Zone is that cards in it are out of play and may not be returned under any circumstances. *Mic drop*
What if a card was introduced in the future that allowed you to return your Lost Zone'd cards to your hand or deck?

That would defeat the entire purpose of the lost zone. It would just make it another discard pile.

I had this written before I walked off without hitting reply