Writing The life of Bob

Stupid truck driver. BOB WHY???
I am very interested in this fanfic and will keep up with it. Is this a biography about Bob? If it is, then it would end now.
That went by pretty quick. You'd expect a climatic build up, but instead we get a more realistic, stupid death. The realism in this story is fantastic. ;p

BTW, next time? I thought bob was dead. :O
Wow. I have to say the death of Bob was sure sudden. Regarding the rest of the story following, it felt like he had no pity or guilt felt towards his death. Strange. It will be interesting to see where this story goes from here.

dmaster out.
The next day, Ursula woke up. She went downstairs, didn't know what to do, decided to ask Emma, and suddenly noticed that she was still asleep. After waking up Emma, they had breakfast and Kathy's mother picked up Emma and drove her to school. John was there at the TV screen company, doing all of Bob's work, which wasn't a lot. So he played some minesweeper, decided that he really doesn't like the game, and went back to playing Tetris.

After a long day of Bob being dead, Kathy's mother drove Emma back from school, Ursula came back from driving school, and they all watched some TV and went to bed. There was nothing interesting to see anyway. The Muppet show just didn't seem as interesting to Emma any more without her dad for some reason.


One day, which seemed like any other day, something special happened. It was raining, it was cold, it was dark, the wind was blowing heavily, the trees were shaking, the streets were empty, besides some car passing by a couple of time. Tourists...
There was nothing to be heard, nothing to be seen, nothing interesting to do. When suddenly, LIGHTNING STUCK. And it didn't strike just anywhere, oh no, it struck the grave of our beloved yet deceased friend Bob. Not long after this event, a hand arose from the sand in which Bob lay buried, no wait, sorry, this doesn't make sense, Bob was cremated, ignore this.

This is just text to make it seems like some interesting events were going to happen after Bob became a zombie. I'm going to put some interestingly scary words like BRAINS and death and Ursula got eaten by bats with sharps fangs and huge wings and claws even though that doesn't make sense. Blood scream murder psycho thunder zombie eat brain drink Coca-cola Bye.

PS: I promise I'll continue the regular story.
Now I've become a fan of this. :S

So, does it switch to Ursula's perspective now? Or.....eh, I don't know; it's difficult to make predictions in a story that's so random and simple. Still though, I must say, nice piece of writing!
Yes, the story will pretty much switch to Emma and Ursula, with some extra information about Bob when he was still alive if this were needed. That's all I'm spoiling of this exiting, thrilling, interesting and downright awesome story for now :D
:eek: I almost believed the second story. Good job Spoon.

dmaster out.
Ursula woke up, it was morning as always that morning, it being morning and all. Ursula woke up Emma, happy is ever, because she didn't forget this time. It's been 2 weeks since Bob's funeral and this was the 1st time Ursula didn't forget. She made Emma breakfast, had some special K, and waved at Emma after Kathy's mother had come to pick her up. Ursula always had special K for breakfast, just because she didn't want to grow fat. Not that she was very skinny, though, she was pretty average, and she wanted to stay that way. She also liked the taste, for some reason.

John was playing Tetris again, he almost broke his record, but then the long one wouldn't appear AGAIN, that was like the 5th time today. John was a bit frustrated by this, and decided to go for a walk, "to see if everything was all right". So he went outside to see if the sky was still up, because if it weren't, ... John couldn't come up with a good reason, and just hoped that nobody would notice that had had gone outside. He missed Bob for some reason, and he hoped that his new colleague would be just as interesting, if not more. Well, as long as it wasn't some geeky kid who actually wanted to work, it was okay with John. Actually, a workaholic would mean John would have to do nothing, if Mr. Maxwell didn't find out, that would be pretty cool.

John almost forgot that he was standing outside daydreaming, and hurried back inside. Nothing special happened that day. No news of his new colleague. Nothing out of the ordinary happened at driving school either. Ursula's teacher was an old man, somewhere in his fifties, balding, and with a terrible sense of humour. "Why did the chicken cross the roa... "
"Does it matter?"
"Not really no."
"Then could you please SHUT UP? Or at least try to teach me something?"
"Uhhh, sure, I guess I could do that".
And there you go, actual dialogue, didn't expect to see that in this story, did you?
His name was Frank, or Mr. Edwards, as he wanted to be called. He didn't look formal at all, though, in his blue overall and wearing his dirty glasses with a pretty weird red frame. Frank used to be a normal kid in school, nothing special about him. He never did anything special, never really graduated, and all he actually managed to learn was how to drive a car. When he noticed he was running out of options at the age of 23, after his mother had thrown him out of the house, Frank decided to become an instructor. After failing the tests 4 times, he finally got accepted. He's been teaching at the driving school ever since.

Ursula didn't really like it there, but at least she learned how to drive, and that was the most important. She wanted to be there for Emma now that her father was no longer there. Ursula managed to park in between 2 cars, and this time she only scratched one of the 2 cars, no dents or anything, what an improvement. Actually driving also went a bit better, she generally started to get the hang of it all. After practising for about an hour or 2, Ursula went back home after a bit of shopping for groceries. Emma arrived not too long after that, and they watched some TV together. Ursula also helped Emma with her homework a bit. Maths, Ursula liked Maths, the simple part of it, at least. She loved solving sudokus and games like that, in fact, it was one of the only reasons why she'd ever pick up a newspaper. When it was finally bedtime, Emma went to bed. Ursula watched some more TV, nothing interesting, and also went to bed not long after that.

this is pretty interesting... in the first few chapters i was waiting for something cool to happen and then BAM! he dies... can't wait to see what happens next =)
:eek: Actual dialogue is a good start for this interesting story.

dmaster out.
Funny, I imagined Ursula as a calm, reserved sort of person, who didn't really know much and didn't know enough to want to do anything about it.

Strange how two lines of dialouge can define a person.
Don't take over and change this fic guys. :[ On second thought...

dmaster out.

If I was any further on the edge of my seat, I would be on the floor. This fic is so awesomely epically frantabuloustically gigantasaurosly good. I love it.

Its cool how you've managed to make the humor much more subtle in this one, unlike the las tone:

"The world exploded and it was good"

This one is actually good.