Team Transform- Shutting down.

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RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

I'm actually stuck between 3 choices now... o_O

1: HoPe
2: CurseGar
3: Garchomp SP Toolbox

I'll most likely play HoPe, or I don't know. A lot of Dialga/Chomps around SoCal... So annoying.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Frozendukie said:
Seth, i can get gardy's easy :p. But I like mime so much more than honch..i don't even get why honch is getting such a hype..

Dude. I have to play double mimes for honch to be effective. Otherwise, they can play warp point or cyclone energy or even Regice Mime away. Honch makes Gyra do SO bad. If they can flip heads on SSU, how do they plan to get those Karp back into the discard pile?
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Azul said:
I'm actually stuck between 3 choices now... o_O

1: HoPe
2: CurseGar
3: Garchomp SP Toolbox

I'll most likely play HoPe, or I don't know. A lot of Dialga/Chomps around SoCal... So annoying.

I will probably play CurseGar for my regionals... But I'm not sure how it would do against a meta of LuxChomp and Gyarados.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

The Power of Three said:
I will probably play CurseGar for my regionals... But I'm not sure how it would do against a meta of LuxChomp and Gyarados.

CurseGar... Hmmm... If you play the double mime... Then Gyarados should be easy unless you see them play some kind of random Pokemon Reversal. LuxChomp is a hard match up, it's not too hard to get a Luxray X T2 and get your Gastly/Haunter you're powering up to KO it. Get what I mean?

EDIT: By the way, which Regionals are you and the other people attending?
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

double mime takes up so much room, and many garydos use luxray also..they run enough energy that eventually it works out. sorry. maybe one mime just for a one turn stall. But azul if you want a good luxchomp list I can help out maybe?

And in response to seth1789110 the honch is a huge line in any deck xD...but it is worth looking at. I just feel like techin so heavy against one deck that has only proven to be like 1/5 of the format is risky cuz other decks will take advantage of honch and get free prizes, even if you don't put it down against a non-dos deck it still becomes dead draws etc.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

1/5 of the format maybe. However, at states, the only 2 Gyrados there went 5-1 and 6-0 in swiss respectively. And the deck I am using cant match his power AT ALL. So a 1-1 Honch tech will work wonders. Also, it may be able to help against other things as well.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Unfortunately, Azul, the Gyarados in my area DO RUN Pokemon Reversals. .-. Well, one does, and all of the others just use Luxray GL Lv. X in their Gyaradoses. Gyarados is going to be tough for me to beat, but if they can't get around a Fainting Spell witht their Expert Belted Gyarados, it COULD turn out big for me [just because i'm a lucksack.]

I might play a 1-1 Honchkrow tech to ruin Gyarados, they swing for nothing, or I just keep on using Shadow Room on the Magikarps. :)
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Thats a good but bad idea. You get a prize but then you refill the magikarp in the discard pile and then they kill you.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

The Power of Three said:
Unfortunately, Azul, the Gyarados in my area DO RUN Pokemon Reversals. .-. Well, one does, and all of the others just use Luxray GL Lv. X in their Gyaradoses. Gyarados is going to be tough for me to beat, but if they can't get around a Fainting Spell witht their Expert Belted Gyarados, it COULD turn out big for me [just because i'm a lucksack.]

I might play a 1-1 Honchkrow tech to ruin Gyarados, they swing for nothing, or I just keep on using Shadow Room on the Magikarps. :)

Just let the Magikarps rot there on the bench and make the Gyarados do 0 damage.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Azul said:
Just let the Magikarps rot there on the bench and make the Gyarados do 0 damage.
Thats a smarter idea than killing them each turn.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

You should be able to one shot Gyrados with Gengar...have you ever seen the size of a Gyrados hand? They are chocked full of trainers. However, Gyrados is pro. A smart Gyrados player wont belt their Gyrados. They will hit you for 90. Then bring to the bench. Then send up Uxie. And KO. If your belted, or have the X or something, they hit you, then do a couple of Crobat drops or something, or belt the Uxie, and hit you again. Its no problem for them.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Any deck with ANY kind of dmg variants like bats, plus, belt, uxie can play around gengar. Making gengar not so amazing in format right now.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Arcanine King said:
Thats a smarter idea than killing them each turn.

I suppose it is... the only thing is that a Magikarp is easier to kill than a Gyarados is. Especially if they lack trainers in their hand and I have to Shadow Room them every turn. Although they're not hitting me back, so I suppose it's not like I'm gonna die or anything.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

So I'm down to 2 choices... :/
Dialga/Chomp or LuxChomp... With a Metagame full of GG, Dialga/Chomp, and Donphan...

The Power of Three, well, Gyarados is a hard match up for SF Gengar since the only thing you can depend on is the fainting spell. They will just keep KOing SF Gengar constantly.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Yeah, but it is nice that I get to snipe all their Bench. They can't use Unown G on their Claydol, Uxie, Azelf, and Regice all at the same time.

Cuse w/ Expert Belt isn't bad either. 2HKO's Gyarados, and I can just hide behind something like Gengar SF, or Mr. Mime [when Regice is KO'd.]

Otherwise, I actually might pull off a random Raichu/Magnezone list for regionals. If you think about it, Raichu HG/SS plus Magnezone SF gives you a constant 100 damage each turn, and with the Lv. X of Raichu, you've got 1 turn for 100 with an 80 snipe on something like Claydol. I'll playtest it, but it does loose to Gliscor and Donphan Prime w/o Sunnyshore City Gym.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

^ are you going to Regionals?

wondering if anyone has a seniors meta for MN, WI, and IL. and if they can provide decklists for some of them.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

I'll PM a GENERAL idea to you in a second richkid.

Otherwise, to everyone, the meta in Seniors I'm seeing is Gyarados, Jumpluff, and LuxChomp.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

okay. i should be able to handle that. sorry i keep bothering you about this but i kind of want to do good.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

The Power of Three said:
I'll PM a GENERAL idea to you in a second richkid.

Otherwise, to everyone, the meta in Seniors I'm seeing is Gyarados, Jumpluff, and LuxChomp.

Don't worry meta game will be many things. A lot of people can go and run rouge decks that are good just you have never heard of.
RE: Team Transform- States is over. How did everybody do? What did you see that you didn't expect to?

Hey anyone wanna talk about HGSS-Unleashed?
I can't go to regs....(dumb church thing/soccer/baseball all of which i don't do...)
I have some plans for it if the cards I want are released :)
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