Team Hurricane

"Can you hear it? The storm is coming!"
Welcome to Team Hurricane!
Before we begin, first thing's first. Let's meet our mascot, shall we?
Our main man, or as we like to call him "the center of our storm", here he is. . . Feraligatr! This massive beast weighs 195 pounds and stands at 7'07" tall! Though he usually moves slow, the second he detects prey he moves at blinding speeds!
- All PokeBeach Rules apply. As they're our host site, we do stress that you follow this rule.
- Don't spam. We want to keep our thread as clean as possible. We want people to pay attention to the current discussion, rather than being disgusted by the amount of spam.
- All applications are to be PM'ed to me! Any application posted on this thread, will be ignored.
- Please stay on topic, and keep the discussion going. Our main goal is to be successful, and one of the ways to achieve that is making sure everybody is on the same page.
- Be respectful of others. This means that you must respect their ideas and opinions.
- Have fun! We want this to be a fun thread, so just have fun with it!
Applications: (Please keep in mind, that these are to be PM'ed to me!)
Name (optional):
AIM, Skype, etc.:
TCG Records:
Current Season Record:
Premier Rating:
Placings at Events:
Current Deck(s):
Why you'd like to join (at least 2 sentences):
Below is a list of all the members on this team, with descriptions under each of them. Regardless of their position, they are to be respected by all. No exceptions!
The leader can appoint or demote certain members. They have the permission to do anything on the thread.
- Brawler
These people are to watch over the thread while the leader is gone. They have the power to appoint people.
- TofU
Distinguished Members:
These are people appointed by the leader. They have already proven themselves in the Pokemon: TCG.
- Mudkip
- Galefail
- piplup234
- Nova Zapdos EX
Normal Members:
These are people who hold no power in the thread. They were chosen through an application.
- The Power of Three
- Seth1789110
- PokeKid Brandon
- Bob Franklin
- Zangoose
- PokeChamp
- Deck Tester
- tanker
- Celebi23
Current Topic: City Championships. How many do you plan on attending and what will you be playing? Discuss!
Thanks for reading!