Fairy types do have some of the coolest art you know... [EDITED 5/14/17]
So without further ado, the deck list:
4x Sylveon GX (GUR)
4x Eevee (SUM)
3x M Gardevoir EX (GEN)
3x Gardevoir EX (GEN)
2x Wobboffet (GEN)
1x Flareon (AOR)
4x Crushing Hammer (SUM)
4x Enhanced Hammer (GUR)
4x Team Flare Grunt (GEN)
2x N (FCO)
1x Professor Sycamore (BKP)
3x Fairy Drop (FCO)
2x Choice Band (GUR)
2x Ultra Ball (SUM)
1x Pokemon Ranger (STS)
1x Lysandre (AOR)
3x Mega Turbo (ROS)
3x Gardevoir Spirit Link (STS)
2x Energy Recycler (GUR)
2x Professor's Letter (BKT)
_ENERGY_ 13x
8x Fairy Energy (SUM)
2x DCE (SUM)
Reasoning behind certain cards:
2x Wobbuffet:
Wobbuffet is in this deck to counter Decidueye/Vileplume, which is currently one of the top decks in the format and you need to be able to beat it to win tournaments, currently at least. Without abilities, it's main strategy falls apart quickly. This also helps counter Volcanion decks, which are also ability reliant. The only downside is that it shuts down energy evolution as well.
1x Flareon
Flareon is also here to counter Decidueye decks, as well as a few other decks. One fairy wind from a choice-banded Sylveon while Flareon OHKOs a Decidueye GX. The same thing goes for M Scizor EX, the only metal deck that is a real threat to this one besides the Exadrill rouge deck.
1x Sycamore
Running one Sycamore sounds like a stupid decision doesn't it? In this deck, it actually makes sense to run only one Sycamore, as you probably wont want to discard your entire hand very often.
1x Pokemon Ranger
The only deck that can cause this deck to completely stall is aqua box Glaceon. Thankfully, Pokemon Ranger can negate the effect of crystal ray, so it is an essential for this deck.
Get Sylveon GX in play as soon as possible and build a hand full of disruptive cards. While doing this, get a second Sylveon ready, set up a Mega Gardevoir, disrupt, and attack. Once you get M Gardevoir into the active position, sweep and disrupt, its that simple.

So without further ado, the deck list:
4x Sylveon GX (GUR)
4x Eevee (SUM)
3x M Gardevoir EX (GEN)
3x Gardevoir EX (GEN)
2x Wobboffet (GEN)
1x Flareon (AOR)
4x Crushing Hammer (SUM)
4x Enhanced Hammer (GUR)
4x Team Flare Grunt (GEN)
2x N (FCO)
1x Professor Sycamore (BKP)
3x Fairy Drop (FCO)
2x Choice Band (GUR)
2x Ultra Ball (SUM)
1x Pokemon Ranger (STS)
1x Lysandre (AOR)
3x Mega Turbo (ROS)
3x Gardevoir Spirit Link (STS)
2x Energy Recycler (GUR)
2x Professor's Letter (BKT)
_ENERGY_ 13x
8x Fairy Energy (SUM)
2x DCE (SUM)
Reasoning behind certain cards:
2x Wobbuffet:
Wobbuffet is in this deck to counter Decidueye/Vileplume, which is currently one of the top decks in the format and you need to be able to beat it to win tournaments, currently at least. Without abilities, it's main strategy falls apart quickly. This also helps counter Volcanion decks, which are also ability reliant. The only downside is that it shuts down energy evolution as well.
1x Flareon
Flareon is also here to counter Decidueye decks, as well as a few other decks. One fairy wind from a choice-banded Sylveon while Flareon OHKOs a Decidueye GX. The same thing goes for M Scizor EX, the only metal deck that is a real threat to this one besides the Exadrill rouge deck.
1x Sycamore
Running one Sycamore sounds like a stupid decision doesn't it? In this deck, it actually makes sense to run only one Sycamore, as you probably wont want to discard your entire hand very often.
1x Pokemon Ranger
The only deck that can cause this deck to completely stall is aqua box Glaceon. Thankfully, Pokemon Ranger can negate the effect of crystal ray, so it is an essential for this deck.
Get Sylveon GX in play as soon as possible and build a hand full of disruptive cards. While doing this, get a second Sylveon ready, set up a Mega Gardevoir, disrupt, and attack. Once you get M Gardevoir into the active position, sweep and disrupt, its that simple.
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