Finished Slap the Poster Above You With Anything 5 [YPPY]

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Ready or Not!
Advanced Member
I saw someone was keen for some more YPPY and we haven't played this old favourite in years, so why the hell not!

This is Slap the Poster Above You, yet another Forum Game that encourages violence of all kinds! To play, simply slap the poster above you with some atrocious species of fish or anything else you like (keeping it PG). Example:
bbninjas slaps WPM with a killer whale

The game follows the YPPY structure (You-Person-Person-You), that is, you have to wait for 2+ people to post before you may post again.

/me slaps me with the two weeks of procrastination and regreting my life decisions, because that's how long this game will run (rip)
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/slaps Vom with a Hammerhead for 30

You got landorus on my mind, I can't help it
/me slaps Nick with a bucketful of ice cold water. That'll knock you to your senses! >:]
/me slaps Vom with some protein for the mitochondria of the powerhouse of the cel.
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