Save the Seals!

i love xd001

The Evil Dood
270,000 baby seals (the quota allowed by the Canadian government) are set to be killed for their fur. And not in a nice way. It's estimated nearly half of them are dragged over the ice before death and skinned alive.

If you'd prefer these killings didn't take place, take a second to sign PETA's petition at Or more importantly don't buy stuff with fur on it.
Wait, I thought that Walrein are furless.... Lol
Okay this might be spam...
Oi, people, you want to make them extinct? If no, then don't do it!!!

EDIT: I became a zombie... :(
Aaahhh, this reminds me of my old Walrein deck.....

*comes back to earth*

*shivers* Furless seels.