Saturday, 4/8, POP 3 Set List and Scans, Mew/Lucario Binder

considering most of us got 2 packs with all commons you'll have to wait until the league release to see a complete scan list.
Those new cards that were added are cool too and their attacks do high damage.:)
Meiji 1-POP 1
Meiji 4-POP 3

JPN Scans:

For the 8 Meiji Cards.

For Ho-oh Ex and Pichu Bros.

For Blastoise.

For Plusle and Minun.

For the HL and DR Pressure Systems.

For Ivysaur.

Combusken possibly is the Torchic-Phanpy deck one.Its in next page of the last link.
This looks like the best POP set yet! I love how High and Low Pressure systems are back and I'm loving that Pichu Bros. card to pieces! Plus I plan on getting that nice Lucario binder.

BTW also realesed another Sugimori binder featuring Lugia and the Eeveelutions, also you can now buy the Lucario PokeDoll there.
I look at these scans and I feel so old because if I still played I'd have a great majority of whats out today... oiyven...
Being 18 sucks...
im getting that Lugia beautiful... FYI, its Japanese made.
And it will be used to store all of my Nidos in it.
RE:  Saturday, 4/8, POP 3 Set List and Scans, Mew/Lucario Binder

Benlugia said:
combusken and donphan are from the meiji promos. my set list on the gym was pretty close.

Benny - there was no Combusken in the Meiji [edit]vol 4[/edit] set.

Maybe you can identify one of these as the POP3 Combusken?

BTW, the Ivysaur is this one:

ivysaur (lucario collection box, bulbasaur quarter-deck)

14- Ivysaur 002/015

so is the Combusken this one?:

combusken (lucario collection box, torchic quarter-deck)

it's this one:


from Meiji vol 3 (June 2005) 065/PCG-P
yeah...i meant meiji overall, not exactly meiji 4. but yeah...thanks for finding out what they were from specifically.
by the way, brian, why weren't you at PA??? whats the next event you'll be at?