Running Rapidash AR as an SP counter


Poke Maniac
I'm working on a Charizard decklist, maybe for cities. I'm wondering if it would be worth my while to run a couple Rapidash AR as an anti-SP measure?
not really in my opinion. Charizard decklist is pretty straightforward..not much room for pokemon techs, also Char is a good enough sp counter assuming they don't have DGX in play. (run 1-2 pokemon reveral to bring up dialga g x if they have it benched)

Edit: sorry wrong card name. thanks radar
^Pokemon Reversal would be a better play for this, methinks. Even if it is flippy, chances are they'll send up an Azelf or something 'Zard can't one shot.

Most SP decks would just snipe around Rapidash anyway, and DGX would let it get KO'd. I like Infernape 4 X as a tech in Charizard; it's a fire type and continually disrupts the opponent. It also has an okay spread attack for anything you are just short on.
dang just traded away my rapidash AR.....well SP's are gonna be a big problem then.

Rapidash AR is a good anti SP. but since the most he can do is 70....sooo he wouldnt be to effective. and really guys how much can they do around rapidash, not so much that they are able to KO to much. by the time you get rapidash out it shouldnt be to much of a problem if they attack your bench.
"Rapidash AR? Oh, thank you for using up a space in your deck, now I just put out my Garchomp C X and snipe... snipe... snipe... while you do about 60 per turn and use up your fire energy. Or, I can use Uxie LV.X..."
It doesn't work so great. Charizard's fine on its own.
Garchomp C LV. X
Luxray GL LV. X
Dialga G LV. X

Pretty much every SP deck out there has one of those three Pokémon in it, and *all* of them counter Rapidash.

Garchomp - bench-snipe around Rapidash.
Luxray - Bright Look Rapidash away and bring up a benched player for the KO.
Dialga - Rapidash's BODY is gone. Dragon Rush FTL.