Help Round, Night march, lost march and ??


Pokémon Professor
After being away for a while, I want to start playing again.
I used to play Round, Night march and lost march, fun and cheap to play.
Is there a standard deck at the moment similar to these decks?
Welcome back!

Off the top of my head, how about Blacephalon?

Pokemon - 13
4 Blacephalon UNB 32
4 Jirachi TEU 99
1 Blacephalon-GX LOT 52
1 Oricorio-GX CEC 95
1 Zacian V SSH 138
1 Cramorant V SSH 155
1 Mew UNB 76

Trainer - 33
4 Welder UNB 189
4 Quick Ball SSH 179
4 Acro Bike CES 123
4 Fiery Flint DRM 60
4 Fire Crystal UNB 173
2 Energy Retrieval SSH 160
2 Switch SSH 183
1 Great Catcher CEC 192
1 Pal Pad SSH 172
1 Adventure Bag LOT 167
2 Escape Board UPR 122
2 Lucky Egg SSH 167
1 Beast Bringer UNB 164
1 Heat Factory Prism Star LOT 178

Energy - 14
14 Fire Energy 2

I know, I know, there are some pricey cards in here, but that was true of Night March as well. Though Round, Lost March, and Night March all have "attack name" related mechanics, they're very far apart in terms of competitiveness. Round was my first "real" deck on the PTCGO; it wasn't great back then, either, but it was... functional. Definitely a budget deck because I couldn't afford something better at the time.

Lost March flirted with being a competitive deck, but didn't deliver on the hype. Night March began as a "fun" deck, because Lysandre's Trump Card could wreck it so easily. Then LTC was banned, and Night March became amazing! Nowadays, Night March ain't so great, but that's because of five years of power creep since it released plus multiple attempts at hard-countering it back when it was ruling the roost.
Souds like a fun deck, I'll make it on TCGO first to test it.
Lost March was my first deck on TCGO, I got it for free with a code.
I had a lot of fun with it. I tried a lot of other decks, but not until Night march en Lost march I had that much fun.
The expensive competitive decks are for my kids. ;-)
I don't need a competitive deck, I just want a fun deck and don't lose all my games. ;-)
I haven't been active on there lately, but I'm actually a PTCGO-only player. XP I began with the physical TCG back with its North American debut, but I couldn't afford to actually buy or play during the BW-era. I mean, I followed what I could and played using stuff like Red Shark, but it isn't the same thing. So, with the start of the XY-era, I quit. Then I had to replace my (then) old computer with my then (new) computer, and so I could finally use the PTCGO and jumped right back in. XP

Anyway, the Theme Format is relatively hassle free for playing without staying on the competitive cutting edge. There are somewhat annoying periods when a particular Theme Deck is dominant, but there are also stretches where there's an actual Theme Deck metagame. You know, knowing what is current popular and strong, then deciding whether to
  • Run it
  • Run what counters it
  • Run what counters the counters
Otherwise, keep asking and poking around; there are some good cards in Sword & Shield that haven't proven themselves yet (usually waiting for one last "piece" of the deck) or which will always be "not quite competitive" you can pick up and use... once you figure out what they are.
I started playing when my kids did 8 years ago.
The money for Pokémon went to them and I played with whatever cards were left.
That's why I started judging, more fun for me and extra cards for the kids.
A few years ago they stopped the nationals, regionals and city's and all the big tournaments were taken out of the Netherlands due to regulation issues.
That last year my youngest became first in the Dutch nationals and that was the first and last time we went to worlds in San Francisco.
That's when we couldn't afford to play anymore.
Travelling across Europe to get points isn't something everyone can afford.
The idea of never ever seeing Worlds again was one of the reasons for us and our kids to quit.
But you can take Pokémon out of the Netherlands, but you can't get it out of our family.
So recently we started again with pre-releases and it was nice to see our Pokémon family again.
That's why we're looking for cheap decks now to play the little tournaments for fun and maybe start a league of our own again.
If we find a store who's willing to support that. ;)