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Standard Roaming Forest (Torterra ex/Hisuian Lilligant VSTAR/Torterra/Kricketune)

Seven Nation Army

What I'm Made Of...
This is heavily work in progress. I am pretty confident in the potential of this archetype, but I'm going to need to fine-tune this decklist. Any suggestions for improvements to this deck are welcome.

Pokemon (19):
Torterra ex TEF 012 x2 (beatdown)
Hisuian Lilligant VSTAR ASR 018 x1 (acceleration)
Hisuian Lilligant V ASR 017 x1 (evolution)
Torterra BRS 008 x1 (beatdown)
Grotle BRS 007 x4 (search)
Turtwig TEF 010 x4 (evolution)
Kricketune ASR 010 x2 (healing)
Kricketot ASR 009 x2 (evolution)
Rabsca TEF x1 (protection)
Rellor x1 (protection)

Trainers (33):
Arven SVI 166 x4
Boss's Orders PAL 172 x2
Iono PAL 185 x2 (draw)
Gardenia's Vigor ASR 143 x2 (acceleration)
Ultra Ball SVI 196 x4 (search)
Nest Ball SVI 181 x3 (search)
Buddy-Buddy Poffins TEF x3 (search)
Earthen Vessel PAR 163 x2 (search)
Rare Candy SVI 194 x2 (evolution)
Hisuian Heavy Ball ASR 146 x1 (search)
Super Rod PAL 188 x1 (retrieval)
Switch SVI 194 x1 (switch)
PokeGear 3.0 SVI 186 x1 (search)
Technical Machine: Evolution PAR 178 x2 (evolution)
Prime Catcher TEF 157 x1 (control)
Artazon PAL 171 x2 (search)

Energy (8):
Basic Grass Energy SVE 01 x8

New Cards:
Turtwig – HP80 – Grass
Basic Pokemon

Ability: Solid Shell
This Pokémon takes 20 less damage from attacks (after applying Weakness and Resistance).

[G][C][C] Leafage: 30 damage.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 3

Torterra ex – Grass – HP340
Stage 2 – Evolves from Grotle

[G] Forest March: 30x damage. This attack does 30 damage for each [G] Pokémon you have in play.

[G][C][C] Jungle Hammer: 150 damage. Heal 50 damage from this Pokémon.

Pokemon ex: When 1 of your Pokemon ex is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 4

Rabsca – Grass – HP70
Stage 1 – Evolves from Rellor

Ability: Spherical Shield
Prevent all damage from and effects of attacks done to your Benched Pokémon by attacks from your opponent’s Pokémon.

[G] Psychic: 10+ damage. This attack does 30 more damage for each Energy attached to your opponent’s Active Pokémon.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: None
Retreat: 1

Rellor – Grass – HP50
Basic Pokémon

[C] Slight Intrusion: 30 damage. This Pokémon also does 10 damage to itself.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: None
Retreat: 1

Prime Catcher – Trainer

Switch in 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokémon to the Active Spot. If you do, switch your Active Pokémon with 1 of your Benched Pokémon.

You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn.

ACE SPEC: You can’t have more than 1 ACE SPEC card in your deck.

Use Arven to grab Buddy-Buddy Poffins (or Nest Ball if needed) and Technical Machine: Evolution to fill the Bench with Grass Pokemon as possible and then evolve 2 of those Pokemon as quickly as possible. The ideal targets for this will be 1 Turtwig and 1 Rellor. With Grotle is in play, its Sun-Drenched Shell Ability can be used the following turn to dig through the deck to evolve the rest of the Pokemon. Hisuian Lilligant's Star Perfume VSTAR Power can be used to grab other Grass Pokemon to speed up this process and/or Grass Energy, which can then be accelerated with Gardenia's Vigor. Kricketune's Swelling Tune Ability will provide 40 more HP to all Grass Pokemon, enabling Torterra ex and Torterra to take better hits. The reason why I am running the non-ex Torterra along with Torterra ex is that BRS Torterra's Evopress allows it to outdamage Torterra ex. However, Evopress requires Evolution Pokemon, while Torterra ex's Forest March only requires Grass Pokemon, which can be useful if the Bench isn't yet filled with Evolution Pokemon. Admittedly, Torterra ex is mainly there to serve as a Charizard counter, as its high HP, even before the boost from Kricketune allows it to take hits very well.

Edit: Overhauled the deck after some more careful examination of the deck's mechanics.
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