~Red B Requests. Request at will!~ [Closed for now]

RE: ~Red B Requests. Request at will!~

Username: Chillarmy
What you want: Banner
Pictures/Renders: Yanapupu http://lightofthestars.com/5gen/yanappu.png
Color Scheme: Green, variety
Artist : Red Blastoise
Notification : PM
Do you want it animated, if so how: no thanks
Do you want it to pop-out: yes please
Anything else/specific details?: some broccolli in the background :p

Thanks a ton!!!
RE: ~Red B Requests. Request at will!~

People link your images. When I googe Ononukkusu I get no results -___-
Culex I was joking, I'm busy with the banner already ;)
RE: ~Red B Requests. Request at will!~

Username: StaticPachirisu
What you want: Sig

Color Scheme: LightBlue+Orange
Text: StaticPachirisu
Artist: RedBlastoise
Notification : PM
Do you want it animated, if so how: No
Do you want it to pop-out: Yeah, Please
Anything else/specific details?: Chillarmy at the Left, Pachirisu Middle, Pokabu right.
RE: ~Red B Requests. Request at will!~

What you want: banner
Pictures/Renders:golden ak-47
Color Scheme:black
Artist : rb
Notification: pm
Do you want it animated, if so how:fireing bullets
Do you want it to pop-out:yes
BTW pop out + animated doesn't work
Anything else/specific details?: no
RE: ~Red B Requests. Request at will!~

Have you fixed my banner yet? It still has the word purely misspelled and mijumaru's contrast is way too much. :( overdose of orange nose.
Oh, and if possible Can Tsutaaja pop out? I want to see the full picture. PM me if you are doing a full edit on it or not because if you were doing a full edit (redoing it is what I mean) I would have a few more specifications but it is unnecessary a the moment.
RE: ~Red B Requests. Request at will!~

OM, I can fix the contrast, I can respel the words. But I can't make a see through image pop out.

Culex, I'm still busy, but schoool and all comes in the way sorry.

@ all others: Link to your images, or you will be ignored!!
RE: ~Red B Requests. Request at will!~

Here's my revised version with the link!

Username: Chillarmy
What you want: Banner
Pictures/Renders: Yanapupu http://lightofthestars.com/5gen/yanappu.png
Color Scheme: Green, variety
Artist : Red Blastoise
Notification : PM
Do you want it animated, if so how: no thanks
Do you want it to pop-out: yes please
Anything else/specific details?: some broccolli in the background

Thanks a ton!!!
RE: ~Red B Requests. Request at will!~

Username: Sweet Dawn Berlitz
What you want: Theme
Pictures/Renders: http://i234.photobucket.com/albums/ee298/DawnandPachirisu/Candace-Normal.png
Color Scheme: Pink
Text: Candace Phineas and Ferb
Artist: red blastoise
Notification : PM
Do you want it animated, if so how: No.
Do you want it to pop-out: No.
BTW pop out + animated doesn't work: No.
Anything else/specific details?: I want 'Candace' in a bigger size than 'Phineas and Ferb'. I also want 'Phineas and Ferb' to be put underneath 'Candace'.

Also, for the avatar, I'd like the image with the background used (no text).

Thanks in advance.
RE: ~Red B Requests. Request at will!~

Username: ._. TheDarkLucario
What you want: I want a banner
Pictures/Renders: http://th00.deviantart.net/fs70/300W/f/2010/148/c/f/Pokemon_White__Zekrom_by_bribble.jpg
Color Scheme: Black and white squares like a chess board.
[In big font] The Castle
[In small font] Chess is our middle name
Artist : bribble
Notification : Just PM me when it's done.
Do you want it animated, if so how: Nope :/
Do you want it to pop-out
: Yes, Id want it to pop out
Anything else/specific details?:
Not really
RE: ~Red B Requests. Request at will!~

What you want:Avatar
Pictures/Renders: Wevaille, sort of like WPM'S as in the the pokemon looking behind with a grin
Color Scheme: Purple
Artist :u
Notification on here

You mean Lucario, right? I think that's what you mean. How could you call Lucario, Weavile! >:O
RE: ~Red B Requests. Request at will!~

no, i mean weaville. Just the same pose. Sorry for the confusion.XP

Why would i EVER call lucario weaville! I would never do such a thing!
RE: ~Red B Requests. Request at will!~

My internet was down yesterday, I will now continue on the requests.

But only the first 4 requests, it's in my goddamn rules.

I checked all my requests, but I only have 4.

You need to post links to images, or I won't do it.
RE: ~Red B Requests. Request at will!~

Don't do my old order here's my new one with a link:

Username: Pok'eMaster
What you want: Banner
Pictures/Renders: Reshiram and Zekrom: http://i620.photobucket.com/albums/tt282/The-Dark-Latias/Pokemon/10-4.png
Color Scheme: Reshiram blowing fire and zekrom surrounded by sparks Victini: http://www.shayminsgarden.net/uploads/Victini_by_Watteri91.jpg
Text: Victory is MINE!
Artist : red b
Notification : PM
Do you want it to pop-out: yes please
RE: ~Red B Requests. Request at will!~

Username: Zorcon
What you want: Banner
Pictures/Renders: http://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/6/6d/306Aggron.png
Color Scheme: Gray and blue
Text: Zircon
Artist : RB
Notification : PM
Do you want it animated, if so how: no
Do you want it to pop-out: Ues
BTW pop out + animated doesn't work
Anything else/specific details?: