Reason for Modified


The Rare Unlimited Strategist
I used to be a Yu-Gi-Oh player. In that game, all cards were available except for the few on a banlist so you could have vitually any possiblities for a deck.

But now that I play Pokemon TCG, as an Unlimited player, I wonder why this format isn't supported. Worlds and such only use Modified format (for the most part, I think.) I enjoy the fact that you have vitually any card at your disposal and the fact any deck can be made successful (MewTric and possibly Liability can do well in Unlimited.) Modified has it's own set of problems. Right now, it's putting heavy emphasis on "who can set up faster on T2" and "who has a better starting hand?" In Unlimited, T2K aren't common thanks to S(ER) and bad starting hands are by the fact of good drawing options like Cleffa or Oak. Those cards do not exist in Modified and the heavy use of supporters do not help either.

I guess Modified has it's own advantages. There isn't really any overpowering cards like Murkrow (stupid lock...), Lass, and possibly babies. And with the limitation of card choices, new combos can be made. And from what I heard, official tourneys rotate sets so they can sell the new ones more and that's all. =/ But still, I think that more people should do Unlimited. What do you guys think of Unlimited and why was Modified made?
Well, for one reason, unlimited has totally broken trainers. Gust of wind, energy removal and energy removal2 are just too powerfull. Another thing is that in unlimited, players aren't forced to change decks. Players can just keep playing Rain Dance for the rest of their lives. In modified, if there is a really broken deck, other players won't have to live with it forever.
While I agree Gust of Wind is broken, (S)ER isn't that broken as both player can use it. Eye for an eye, per se; if the opponent slows you down, you try to do the same. It also keeps pokemon from not relying on special energy too much (Sneasel, I'm looking at you!) And I don't see what wrong with staying with the same deck. If it's their favorite deck, why should they change it. Not like I use the same deck anyways. I create new, original decks when I think of something. =/
I'm not sure how modified came around, but theres a reason why unlimited isn't played in large tournies: Its a "heads, I win, tails, you win" format. If I go first, I pretty much win the game, as I t1 vileplume and prevent you from getting you're set-up and get you're deck running. If you go first, you get t1 stoise and rain a bunch of energy onto you're swicune and ko my active, and then again, and again. Its a sick format, and is why modified is used.
There is probably a way to rationalize the use of older sets, but it wouldn't be unlimited. It would probably have to be by blocks (Original gen, Neo gen, e-gen, ex-gen, etc) or by previous modified formats. I think the idea of blocks, or any new format in general, is a good idea. It could be as easy as simply testing it out using Apprentice / OCTGN. There can also be erratas for certain cards to make it not so broken (add a supporter clause for Computer Search, etc).

But yes, BlastyKing and Vileplume-ex decks are broken beyond belief. I still cannot comprehend why Nintendo has ruled Neo: Genesis Slowking in favor of the American version (since it was originally an error in translation; Mind Games was originally intended so that it could only be used when Slowking is active).
Nintendo wants to make money

thats why, u have to keep buying new stuffs if u want to catch up with the trend

anyway, in unlimited not much decks are playable, making it more dull than modified

i hope thwy have a tornament called " RS on", in this way, the torney wont be very broken and BTW we dont have to spend so much money...
I can think for only a reason left:

If player keep playing unlimited, then neither player "except for 0.1% player" will try and think for a strategy. Since there are lot's of OLD STRATEGY (include LBS) left behind, people will happily just copy it.

When they remodify the format, I guest they may be expect us to think for new decks, and leave those "successful deck (queendom, LBS)" away.
RS on

thats the best thing u can get, no broken cards with more and more cards available (with the release of new expansions)
it's all about selling packs really IMO.

Think. Most of the people who play are competitive in the Modified format, so think about it. To keep up with the format always shifting what will they have to do? BUY PACKS AND CARDS. That's the way they make money because if they use the old school cards all their lives Pokemon won't make any money.

Arcanine out.